Tuesday 6 July 2021

The Need For Speed - Getting Faster Results.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

The Need For Speed - Getting Faster Results.

Dear Friend,

If you never saw the 1-minute 'Just Do It' motivational speech on YouTube by US 'bad-boy' actor, Shia LeBeouf, you can see it here. It got 45million views and is worth watching for just his muscular presentation alone.

Shia LeBeouf's message, though, may be just half the answer to what you can do to get faster results with anything that is worthwhile to you. Things can take time and effort and there's usually some waiting involved. 

That is not the case with your kundalini meditation. When you 'Just Do It' with your kundalini, the results are instant and begin to transfer into everything else - poetic description below.

Also below: Using Sandalwood oil to improve your mental clarity and, the advantage of meditative problem-solving.

Best wishes

PS. Photo collage of Sahaja yoga around the world, further down.

Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
What 3 Nights Of Massaging Your Forehead With Sandalwood Oil Will Do.
Put small drop of diluted sandalwood oil on tip of your right ring finger and gently massage clockwise into centre of your forehead for 2 minutes. Work your way down to the point between your eyebrows. If you do this 3 nights in a row before bed-time, you'll begin to notice sharper mental clarity, deep relaxation and improved focus and concentration. Here's what you need to know about your agnya chakra... 
How to Work Out Stuff, Anytime & Anywhere
Once you've got your kundalini connection , which can be very high in some people and is made stronger with daily meditation, then you should take advantage of the new capabilities it gives you. One of these is the ability to deal with any kind of problem in a completely unique way: by 'giving it a bandhan'. And it works! You can try it now . Bring to mind anything you'd love a solution to, then use this meditation...
The Need For Speed - Getting Faster Results.
"If wishing and the act were one,
We'd think the thing and see it done,
We'd plant the seed & collect the fruit.
We'd start the race and cross the line
At one and the very same time.

Alas, nowhere does this occur,
The gap of want acts as a spur,
To chase a thing that won't get caught
Your wakened Kundalini sets you free,
The 'wishing & the act are one' is She."
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Quote of the Week

"People do[may] not have[feel] vibrations, but still they can feel the vibrations in a very unconscious way. All the great paintings of the world have vibrations. All the great creative works of the world have vibrations. Only those who have vibrations have been sustained by time – otherwise all other things are destroyed.[..] .So, all that is sustaining, all that is nurturing, all that is ennobling comes from this sense of love, which is within us ."

January 14th 1983, Dhule (India).

" Could you explain how kundalini awakening is linked to the Age of Aquarius? "
In Reply:

The Age of Aquarius - which astrologers say we're now in - is known as Satya Yuga('Age of Truth') in Indian cosmology.

So the world is transitioning from a time of general confusion about everything (Kali Yuga /Age of Ignorance) to a time of complete clarity about everything  - Truth becomes self-evident to everyone.

That the truth becomes self-evident is because people will be able to 'feel' the truth on their nerves, making it a bodily experience rather than a mental one - which is where the 'confusion' was coming from. 

If you stick your finger in a candle flame you'll get burnt no matter what language you speak or beliefs or opinions you hold, or what your family background and influences have been. The self-evident truth is that  a flame can burn you, because you have felt it directly on your central nervous system.

Kundalini-awakening is an evolutionary refinement (your free upgrade) of the human central nervous system, to allow subtler and subtler levels of truth to be felt as vibes.   
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)
Transforming The World - One Awakened Kundalini At A Time.

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