Monday 1 March 2021

How To Use Your Force Of Desire.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

How To Use The 'Force' Of Your Pure Desire.

Dear Friend,

Life may sometimes seem like  a game of roulette in which things that affect and matter to you, depend on chance and are beyond your direct control. But if you're meditating daily then you have the equivalent of a loaded pair of dice in your favour .

The force of wanting a particular outcome can be a powerful thing. The only thing you need to know is how to channel it. It's through your hands and it's called a 'bandhan'. Use the guided meditation below to get you started.

Also below, why your happiness depends on finding your purpose and reasons for visiting India. 

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Looking For Your Purpose & Meaning.
Only connect. Every person is unique but our human 'dharma' is the same. Dharma means the 'design purpose' of something. So the 'dharma' of a chair is to be sat on and the dharma of a seed is to sprout. If the design is not understood, then neither can the purpose. In purpose lies your fulfilment,  so a first step to fulfilment and happiness is to understand your design here...
Why You Need To Visit The 'Land Of Yoga' On Your Next Holiday.
The colours, the smells, the noise  but underneath it all , the meditative stillness. There's a millennials-old reason India is referred to as 'Yoga Bhoomi' ('Land of Yoga') and it's in the air and everywhere. The country deepens you if you've never been and revives you if you have. Book your ticket now and here are the 10 best places to visit when you go.
'Bandhan' : How To Use The 'Force' Of Pure Desire.
 The purest desire you have within you is the force of your kundalini . Her purpose is to unite you with the all-pervading ('parama-chaitanya') so that the work of exquisite art that you are, is completed. So powerful is this connection that by merely rotating your right hand over your left palm, with your meditative attention on a problem , concern or wish, you can influence the outcome like this... 
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Quote of the Week

"So many angels and so many divine vibrations are working it out. So I have to first tell you that you must have faith in yourself, very important, and you must meditate. Once you start meditating, you’ll become masters of Sahaja Yoga. For this, color is no bar, religion no bar, race no bar, nothing.

As long as you are a human being and you have got your realization, you can really go very far. So many miracles have happened to Sahaja Yogis, so many miracles. And I was surprised, even when they write to Me, they say Mother, nobody will believe, but this is what has happened. So, I would request you to have faith in yourself and do meditation. Very important. Then the growth within, you’ll be amazed.."

27th September 2000, Public Program, Holland Park School, London(UK).
" What's the difference between sahaja yoga meditation and mindfulness or other forms of meditation? "
In Reply:

Sahaja Yoga meditation is mindfulness made easy so everybody can be in it without any effort. It is easier because you don't really have to try and do anything. As soon as your kundalini rises and you get the sensation of a cool breeze on top of your head, you automatically become mentally silent,  remain in the present and feel very nice as well.

You could say that the kundalini is Mother Nature's way of making being in a state of meditation (mental rest/silence), a living process, which is as simple as breathing.

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