Tuesday 23 March 2021

Finding What Makes You Happy.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Finding What Makes You Happy.

Dear Friend,

According to Positive Psychology, the following 3 things are true about your ability for happiness:
  • Being born happy ie your genetic inheritance makes up about 40% of your capacity for happiness; a bigger part is played by your lifestyle and environmental factors that you do have control over.
  • The three main things that determine happiness are : " life satisfaction, feeling engaged in everyday activities, and feeling you have a purpose in life"
  • The proven ways of increasing your happiness include, "Volunteering, exercise, getting out in nature, and having a spiritual practice"
Source: insider.com/is-happiness-genetic

Volunteering, exercise and getting out in nature are all well and good, but they require you to do, and you may not always feel like do-ing. Having the right spiritual practice, on the other hand , just involves be-ing and because this is pervasive, it can become the canvas on which you paint the other areas of your life, and so gives the greatest potential for happiness as touched on below.

Also below: the benefits of dark chocolate and opening your crown chakra with music.
Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Treating Yourself To (With) Chocolate.
Now who wouldn't want to self-medicate with something that's just  begging to be eaten. Within reason, of course, nibbling on some dark chocolate has a range of different health benefits. This includes boosting your body's 'happy hormones' (endorphins, serotonin) that's responsible for lifting your  mood and increasing the feeling of pleasure, plus...
Crowning Joy - Opening The Top Of Your Head With Music.
There's a branch of knowledge in Indian classical music that relates certain musical compositions ('Ragas') to certain beneficial effects on the mind and body. Raga 'Darbari', for example, is relaxing and uplifting at the same time, and is associated with crown chakra at top of your head. Listen here (headphones recommended ).
Finding What Makes You Happy.
Life is meant for Joy & Happiness ( see quote of the week below) through simply be-ing. But as our collective attention has been dominated by matter, materialism and do-ing, the connection to an innate happiness has been lost. And this is why, according to Positive Psychology , having a spiritual practice helps - it turns your gaze inwards. The effect is like this ...
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Quote of the Week

" The flowers come out for a short time and fade out, but as long as they live they are very happy. They don’t think of their past or of their future, but they enjoy the present. And in the present they enjoy what? Is that they are fragrant and giving fragrance to others; they are beautiful and they are soothing others. The whole nature is like that. If you look at the birds, or anything that we call as natural, is all sort of in a meditative mood. All these hills and big, big mountains, they look as if they are a witness to whatever has been happening."

May 7th 1995, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella Ligure, Italy. 
" When I'm meditating, the palms of my hands usually feel cool, but in the past few days, I've been feeling a tingling on my left little finger. What does that mean? "
In Reply:

The sensations you feel on your hand/finger when you meditate give an indication of the state of the chakra that the finger corresponds to. The left little finger corresponds to your left heart chakra . 

The tingling you're feeling comes from a 'catch' on the left heart that your kundalini is trying to clear, and so it may disappear after a few days by itself.

If it persists then it may be life-style related. The commonest cause of a catch of the left heart chakra is from an over-focus on physical exercise, even from the practice of hatha yoga. Just easing up a little on the physical side, should bring you back into healthy balance and clear the catch.

Feeling catches is also the early warning system for any underlying health issues, so it's useful to pay attention to any persistent ones and learn how to clear them yourself.  You can view a picture of what different catches on different fingers mean, and how to clear them, here : 'My Body , My Temple' .

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