Tuesday 30 March 2021

3 Things Your Hands Say About You.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

Three Things Your Hands Say About You.

Dear Friend,

Your hands are your personality in miniature. And your little helpers. They scratch you when you itch; feed you when you want to eat, and join you in conversation when you want your listener to not only hear, but also see what you mean. They communicate.

Not only do they communicate with others, but they also communicate with you  - about  you, but you may not be aware. With the awakening of your kundalini, you're able to better pay attention to what they're saying. 

The word used in science to describe this is 'interoception', which is defined as 'having a sense of the internal state of the body' and this is what your hands tell you.

With regular sahaja yoga meditation, you learn to understand and interpret what you feel on your hands, and use it to help yourself in ways you could never have done before.

Below are three of the ways.

Also below: Take a tour of the National Gallery from the comfort of your sofa and how to heal yourself by healing your parents.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
This Is Cool - Take A Virtual Tour Of The National Gallery.
How do you know a Renaissance Master was a realised soul (kundalini already awakened at birth)? Answer: when you're standing in front of one of their works, you feel a cool breeze flowing off their painting. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were both realised . Take a walk through the gallery and see if you can find others
Heal Yourself By 'Healing' Your Parents - A Guided Meditation.
In an ideal world, we'd all come from a stable, nurturing and supportive family background, but this is not always the case. Nobody is perfect and some parental imperfections can seep into our upbringing. So our emotions, outlook on  life and reaction to difficulties are partly inherited. To nurture, heal and repair your past do this...  
Three Things Your Hands Say About You.
Your hands don't lie. Making  a wrong choice about something? Your hands could warn you. Feelings of insecurity? Your hands could indicate where this is coming from and help resolve. Undiagnosed health issue? Your hands could point this out. Learn to 'listen' to your hands. Here's how this ability is part of an evolutionary adaptation in human beings...
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" We have to have that faith within us, that, no, there must be some reason why Nature, if you don’t like to call it God, has created us, why we are here. And that is only possible when you really respect yourself and love yourself, in the real sense. When you love yourself immediately you will love everybody else. Immediately. If you really love yourself. I’m saying really. Because you’ll find, everybody is connected. It is such a joyous thing to enjoy: being with others, feeling yourself in others, is the most joyous thing. See them laugh and you laugh. See them enjoy, you enjoy. It’s such a beautiful thing to see, that others are shining through you."

June 19th 1978, Caxton Hall, London (England).. 
" I've had some negative physical and emotional experiences in my past that I've blocked out , but I know it continues to affect me in ways that I'm not always aware. Can the meditation help with this? "
In Reply:

Yes, meditation can help with this, but probably best as a complement to recognised professional support  such as counselling, depending on how badly you feel you've been affected.

Do take a look at this Talking Therapies & Counselling page on the NHS website.

Writing experiences down in a journal in order to better be able to process, them could also help you if you don't want to go the counselling route. Take a look at this webpage: How to Use Journaling to Cope With PTSD.

Regular Sahaja Yoga Meditation over the medium to long term has been demonstrated to help with a range of personality -related conditions including anxiety and depression. This study was published in the International Journal of Neuroscience.

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