Tuesday 16 March 2021

7 Reasons Why You Should Laugh More.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

7 Reasons Why You Should Laugh More.

Dear Friend,

Happy forgetfulness. When you're laughing about something, it's impossible to be worried or stressed or angry or sad at that moment. Humour , especially belly-laugh humour , momentarily pushes all other concerns into the background of your awareness. 

Laughter can be contagious and bond people together. But the immediate beneficial effect you get from laughing , is a physiological one as a result of the change to breathing pattern and muscle contractions  induced by letting the funny ripple through you.

Below are 7 things that happen to you when you laugh, that contribute to your health and wellbeing. Laughter really is the best medicine.

Also below, watch Sanjeev , who hosts the Zoom meditation session on Mondays 7:30pm, being interviewed about how he combines his meditation with a busy professional life. Also below, how a visual aid can make a difference to your meditation.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
"What I've Gained From The Meditation" - Interview With Sanjeev.
When he's not gently guiding you through a sahaja yoga meditation session over Zoom on a Monday evening (see Zoom button above), Sanjeev has a busy job as an IT Executive in local government in central London. In this short engaging interview , he shares how meditation has helped him in both his professional and personal life and could help you too.

Visual Aid To Your Meditation : The Power Of The Photo.
If you're noticing how your creativity and focus improves with regular meditation, that's because meditation is recognised as a form of 'attention-training'. In the Tibetan / Indian spiritual traditions, a 'mandala' / 'yantra' is used to help with this. But the ritualised meditation involved in the use of mandalas and yantras can be too difficult. The 'living' photo achieves the same effect but without the effort, plus it emits vibes. Use like this...
7 Reasons Why You Should Laugh More.
Whether it's funny movies, stand-up comedians or TV situational comedy, everybody has something that can tickle them with laughter . There are good health and wellbeing reasons why you should be seeking out more of it. When you're having a belly laugh , you're in the moment, you're not worried, your lungs expand. Here's what else happens... 

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Quote of the Week

" [Self-realisation] It’s an integration of a person, completely because these, all the centers [chakras] represent our different beings[different sides of the personality]. When the Kundalini passes through them, She pierces through them just like a thread through many pearls and integrates [them]. But when She enters through this path [central channel/ parasympathetic], then she enters into this awareness, this dynamic awareness [vibratory awareness] of which we become an instrument, which starts flowing, you can feel it [vibes/ cool breeze on top of head and on palms of hands]"

29th September 1980, Public Program, Zurich(Switzerland). 
" How can I encourage my partner to try this meditation. They're getting stressed out and I know it would help them "
In Reply:

Good question. When you're living in the same space as another person, meditating together is a great way to enhance the experience for both of you and get faster results.

If you're meditating everyday and can feel the vibes on your hands, you could try gently raising your partners kundalini. You can do this by simply drawing your hand slowly  up their back from bottom of spine to top of head a few times and then holding your palm over the top of their head to feel for a coolness coming out .

Ask them to keep their eyes closed and remain sitting for a few minutes while paying attention to the top of their head. When the kundalini comes up the first feeling it produces is a feeling of peace. 

Once the peace is experienced, this itself for most people, becomes the encouragement to regular sitting in meditation. 

Ps. This suggestion may also be relevant to the person who asked : "Why is my son causing the family so much stress and anxiety?"

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