Tuesday 23 February 2021

3 Tips For Better Relationships.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

3 Tips For Better Relationships.

Dear Friend,

When it boils down to it, we are most happiest in our human contact with other people, that's why the enforced physical separation of lockdown has been hard for most . 

At least one study, has shown the link between social relationships and health.

Given this importance to our wellbeing of our relationships, a little investment in the quality of our human connections could go a long way. Below are 3 things you can start to do now  towards that.

Also below, why you might want to get some colour into your diet and the power of candles.

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Food As Medicine: The Health Benefits Of Colour In Your Diet.
Flavonoids in foods have  antioxidant, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory qualities. They also help your chakras. If you want grounding and stability , you could go for the red of pomegranates which helps your mooladhara chakra. Need a boost of creativity? Yellow mango for your swadisthana. Other colours do this... 
Candle-light Can Heal You - Back Agnya Chakra.
If you'd like to improve your concentration , strengthen your eyesight, overcome lethargy or rid yourself of compulsive behaviour , then stock up on candles. There's an easy-to- do yogic exercise that involves steadily gazing at a candle flame to clear your back agnya chakra, leading  to the benefits above. Here's a quick demo of how it's done...  
3 Tips For Better Relationships With Others.
 First, love yourself. Positive daily affirmations help. Second, be authentic. Third, do  the inner energy work on your vishuddhi chakra with daily meditation. The vishuddhi chakra  in the throat is the 'chakra of personality'  as it looks after voice and communication, facial expression and your capacity for empathy. Here's a short guided meditation to give you the experience of your vishuddhi chakra opening up...
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Quote of the Week

"Now – as he has told you about all these centers (chakras)– when the Kundalini passes through them she nourishes all of them. These centers are responsible for our physical mental, emotional, also our spiritual being. So she nourishes them, integrates them and ultimately pierces through our fontanel bone area(top of head) and connects us to this all pervading power of divine love ('parama-chaitanya')."

28th June 1996, Public Program, Royal Albert Hall, London(UK).
"Thanks for the guided meditations in each weeks newsletter; they've really helped me. What I wanted to ask though was, how I can use the meditation for specific problems? 
In Reply:

Glad that the meditation is helping. For specific problems, try experimenting with a 'bandhan' which is done by finger-writing the issue in your left palm (left hand = wish), and then rotating the right hand over it ( right hand = action) - click here for demonstration. The use of the left and right hand symbolises putting your wish/desire into action via the agency of the all-pervading energy of existence ('paramachaitanya') , which your kundalini has connected you to ( like wi-fi ) as a result of your regular meditation.

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