Tuesday 6 April 2021

The Power Of Your Human Attention.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By Daily Sitting In Thoughtless Awareness.

The Power Of Your Human Attention.

Dear Friend,

Your attention or how you spend it , is your most valuable asset. Even if you're not aware of this , advertisers are, and are geared towards turning as much of the human attention as possible into hard cash. This is the basis of what has been described as The Attention Economy.

Meditation is a way of reclaiming your valuables from a system which has the effect of daily rubbishing it.  This practice of reclaiming the attention or withdrawing it , is called in Sanskrit, 'Pratyahara' and is the 5th limb' of Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga.

Through daily meditative practice, your kundalini 'magnetises' your attention, which means that it acquires the power of being able to do something. Merely paying meditative attention to something eg. a problem you have, a situation you're in , can have a real effect on it that just thinking about it couldn't.

This is how Sahaja yoga meditation works. Below is a meditative exercise to help you feel the effect of your attention. 

Also below: Yoga in rhythmic motion - Indian classical dance and the real significance of Easter. 

Best wishes


Click Here For Monday 7:30pm Meditation (Zoom)
Dance, Spirit & Yoga : The 5-Syllable Mantra.
As with most Indian art, Indian classical dance has it's roots in spirituality. The body movements are reminiscent of yoga asanas and the music is usually derived from ancient Sanskrit hymns ('stotra').In performance, the dancer acts as a channel to help the audience commune with their own inner divinity. This piece (5-syllable mantra ) is related to your spirit . Watch and feel the effect... 
The Meaning Of Easter - Egg & Rebirth.
While you're munching your chocolate Easter egg, here's a familiar puzzle to think about : which came first , the chicken or the egg?  But, seriously, has anyone explained why an egg is associated with Easter? Here's a clue. In Sanskrit, a bird is called 'dwijaaha' meaning 'twice-born' because it's born firstly as an egg and then 'born' a second time, when it hatches. Human beings are the same. Here's how...
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" That is why your spirit should be awakened. Your spirit should come to your attention. You will know yourself only when that happens. When you don't know yourself then how do you say "I do this, I do that. Who's this I? You should know first who is this "I". And when you realize who this "I" is, then it is so astonishing to find that, like a drop in the ocean, we also vanish in the ocean of love. And that ocean, that all pervading power of love (vibrations) gives us everything. All our ambitions are fulfilled, and all our questions are answered. Only these vibrations have the power to do this. ."

June 27th 1999, Public Program, Burnaby (Canada).. 
" I have some job interviews coming up and I'm a bit nervous. Due to the feeling of lack of confidence, I sometimes don't come across very well at interviews and miss out on an opportunity. Is there a meditation I can do to help me relax and be more confident? "
In Reply:

Yes, the yoga trigger points for nervousness and lack of confidence are the nabhi chakra (stomach) and the heart chakra . Here's an 8-minute guided meditation focused on the nabhi and heart that you can work with to prepare you for your interview.

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