Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Your Door To The Secrets Of Inner Yoga.

Below:  1. The universe is benevolent - how you're guided and looked after by the all-pervading power when you're connected.   2. The tool in your toolbox - a short guided meditation for problem-solving.   3. The power of knowledge - a simple guide to using the methods of sahaja yoga to transform yourself and transform your life.

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"Whatever you desire, whatever you want also will be coming from the same Paramachaitanya, if you are one with it." - Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 19th July 1989, Taufkirchen (Germany).

To view or share previous weeks newsletters, open email archive here.

Tuesday, 10 December 2019

How To Bend Spoons.

Below:  1. Overthinking or over-analysing anything doesn't make for good decisions. Break out of your mental loops with this guided meditation.    2. Look after your liver. Cut down on coffee and...    3. If you imagine every issue you face is a spoon, then here's how to bend them to your advantage.

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"Once you become peaceful, the peace spreads all over. Your attention becomes steady, and your attention acts." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Tuesday 29th August 1995, Teatro Avenida, Buenos Aires (Argentina).

To view or share previous weeks newsletters, open email archive here.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

William Blake.

Below:  1. Restore the energy of your (depleted) left channel - a guided meditation  2. Memories of the future - why your parents just had to meet.   3. Angel in our midst - William Blake.

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"Shri Mataji: You can see it! Talking about William Blake, you see. Just see what a great… He was Markandeya! Great! Ha! Saint Michael.  Journalist: William Blake was a poet, I think?   Shri Mataji: I beg your pardon?   Journalist: Wasn’t he a poet, William Blake?    Shri Mataji: What did he say?    All: A poet.    Shri Mataji: Yes, yes. He was Saint Michael who took birth as William Blake.    Journalist: He was Saint Michael?[!]"   Interview journalist; “Het Binnenhof” Newspaper, Overvoorde, The Hague, Holland, 4th July 1985

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Predicting America.

Below:  1. Smooth communications - try this Ayurvedic treatment with butter for improved complexion vishuddhi chakra   2.A moment in time - a short guided meditation to balance you in the present.   3. Spinning discus - a fascinating 1983 US newspaper interview  with Shri Mataji that anticipates America today.

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"Shri Mataji held up the index finger of her right hand and twirled it. and I swear I could see a bright glittering disc whirling round." - Journalist, Stan Bostock, May 1983.

To view or share previous weeks newsletters, open email archive here.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Deep Experiences

Below: 1. If you're practising SY meditation, then you're practising Zen. Here's why.    2. Lotus of love - a short guided meditation for peace and tranquility.   3. We're made by our experiences and the more positive and profound they are the better we'll be for it. Hear three people tell you about theirs.

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"Now Zen is nothing but Sahaja Yoga- same thing as. But Zen had only twenty-six Kashyapas in six centuries. Kashyapas means realized souls. Only twenty-six in six centuries. And now there are none. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi , 6th May 2001, Italy.

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

How To Lighten The Load Of Your Past.

Below:  1. Meditate on this - musical poetry to open your sahasrara chakra.  2. A well-oiled machine - the health benefits of ghee( make and keep a jar at home).  3. Light on your path - lifting up your winter downside with candlelight.

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"Kabir Das ji, in his verses has mentioned mainly about kundalini. You will be surprised that he has very clearly written that “shoonya shikhar par anahad baaje”. Anahad means “pulsation”. “Shoonya shikhar” means fontanel bone. Meaning our fontanel area pulsates when kundalini awakens. He wrote this very clearly. But, I think no one understands Kabir."  Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Vancouver, Canada, 27th June 1999.

To view and share previous weeks newsletters, open the email archive here.

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

This Power Helps You.

Below:  1. From darkness into light - why the world is on the cusp of change.   2. Clean as a whistle - 10 minute meditation on the 'wind' of your kundalini.   3. Sitting in Mother Natures lap -  how your needs are taken care of.

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"“Satya Yuga” means the time of truth. Between these, always between from one time to another time as we call them “Yugas” there is a gap and that gap time we call it as “Kritha Yuga”. When something happens, something starts acting and this “Kritha Yuga” is special one where it is simultaneous running with the “Kali Yuga” and this is the one where the all pervading power has become extremely active. And that is why it is helping us to get this mass realisation. Now, we should not miss it. We should not miss it. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Friday 5th April 1991, Brisbane, Australia.

Tuesday, 29 October 2019

The Power of the Group.

Below:  1. It works for them: why some CEOs get up early in the morning and meditate.   2. Pretend to be a tree: holding a still pose could be the key to mental silence.  3. The power of the group : what you get out of it.

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".. in your advantage only the advantage of the whole world rests." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Sunday 23rd September 1984, Hampstead, UK.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Speaking Your Wish Into Reality - Mantras & Affirmations

Below: 1. Just like breathing, the easier it is, the more you'll do it without thinking: kundalini makes meditation effortless. Follow this guided meditation.   2. You should try singing to yourself sometimes; it'll really make you feel better. Here's your intro to music therapy.   3. 'In the beginning was the word': say it and it will be so - your power of speech.

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"Now, the sound of Kundalini I have told you in one of My lectures, how it creates sound." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Chelsham Road, Clapham, 17th May 1981.

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Meaning, Purpose & Happiness. Only Connect.

Below:  1. If you have an interview, presentation or client/funding pitch coming up or just want to take your best self to work, then do this.   2. It's cooler and wetter and flu season may be upon us. Fortify yourself with this sacred herb (and we're not talking weed).  3. If you feel like a hamster on a treadmill running fast and getting nowhere then stop for a moment to consider what your real purpose in life is.

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"Once you ascend [kundalini-awakening & daily meditation] the whole cosmos can look after your problems." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 28th July 1988, New York.

To view or share previous newsletters, open archive here.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

This Will Make Your Day.

Below:   1. Why Einstein matters to you    2. Don't leave the house without putting on one of these.   3. Set yourself some personal goals and achieve them with this guided meditation.

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"This is a kavach for our aura, meaning protection." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Wednesday 5th December 1984, Pune, India

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

Candle-light Treatment For Left-Sided People.

Below:  1. The value of friendships.  2. A start of day guided meditation to put you in control when everything going on around you seems to be out of your control.    3. If you have a tendency to re-run the past in your head or have a lot of negative thoughts, this is a symptom of being left-sided, which is a drain on your energy and creativity. Candle-light can help.


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"In friendship one can really enjoy! You need a very large heart to be a friend, very large heart." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 7th September 1989, Melun, France.

To view or share previous weeks newsletters, click here to open archive.

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

What To Do About Climate Change?

Below:  1. Be the change you want to see - how a little meditative focus on your chakras can bring you what you want.   2. If you're struggling to relax or sleep, then you've got to plug this piece of music in.   3. Climate Change  - this thing here could be the solution.

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"Until the Awakening happens, the problems of the world cannot come to an end." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Saturday , 21st March 1992, New Delhi , India.

To view or share previous weeks newsletters, click to open the archive.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Navel-gazing Or Money From Nothing.

Below: 1. Life's little hurdles can be overcome by overcoming the obstacles within ourselves to seeing things from a different point of view. This short guided meditation helps.   2. Trying your hand at making 'holy' water to cure somebody with  3. Navel-gazing : money from nothing.

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" All the problems: political problems, economic problems – everything can be solved." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 30th September 1981, New York City

Image attribution:

Laughing Buddha :  Supersmart202 [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)]

Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Superhuman : Your Journey Starts Here.

Hi there,

Thanks for joining us for the sahaja yoga meditation session last night. The real self-discovery begins now with your own practice at home. Over the next several days with a daily sitting for 5-10 minutes in the state of mental silence, made possible by your kundalini-awakening, you will feel better in every way.

To help you along, as promised, you can download/listen to the audio guided meditation below. Included as well, is everything you need for your one week experiment on yourself. Enjoy!

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Additional resources are provided below. If you have any questions about your practice feel free to email me. Come along to the group meditation sessions whenever you can make it; when you're establishing your regular practice, meditating with other sahaja yogis really boosts your progress. In the meantime, look out for the weekly newsletter which is designed to gradually build up your knowledge and experience of sahaja yoga meditation, so that you get to a point where you can teach others if you want to. This is the silent revolution to try and change the world.



Tuesday, 10 September 2019

How To Do A 10-minute Footspa 'Detox'

Below:  1. If Mark Rothko had experienced kundalini-awakening, this is what he might have painted: a taste of nirvana. See if it makes you go thoughtless.    2. The first time most people properly feel their vibes on their hands and heads when they meditate, is after they've done a footspa detox. It's the thing that can really make a difference for you. Try it and see for yourself.      3. The universe is benevolent and pregnant with possibilities - just for you. But you need to connect. Through silence. Here's how.

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"We cannot meditate; we only can be in meditation." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'Meditation in Thoughtless Awareness, 30th March 1976, Delhi , India.

Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Make Yours A Happy Home - Tips For Improving The Vibes.

Below:  1. Sickness and old age need not be facts of life. Kundalini can fix it. Listening to a 14,000 year old prediction.  2. If you stop thinking for a minute, you'll realise it was all in your head. Parting the waves of thought with this guided meditation using 2 simple beeja mantras.   3. Make yours a happy home - some feng shui tips to health, wealth and happiness.
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" And you develop a new awareness, which we call as vibratory awareness by which you feel others." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Public Program, Zurich, Switzerland, Monday 29th September 1980.