Tuesday 12 November 2019

How To Lighten The Load Of Your Past.

Below:  1. Meditate on this - musical poetry to open your sahasrara chakra.  2. A well-oiled machine - the health benefits of ghee( make and keep a jar at home).  3. Light on your path - lifting up your winter downside with candlelight.

Kabir Saiyaan Nikas Gaye.jpg


left-side candle treatment.jpg

"Kabir Das ji, in his verses has mentioned mainly about kundalini. You will be surprised that he has very clearly written that “shoonya shikhar par anahad baaje”. Anahad means “pulsation”. “Shoonya shikhar” means fontanel bone. Meaning our fontanel area pulsates when kundalini awakens. He wrote this very clearly. But, I think no one understands Kabir."  Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Vancouver, Canada, 27th June 1999.

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