Tuesday 10 September 2019

How To Do A 10-minute Footspa 'Detox'

Below:  1. If Mark Rothko had experienced kundalini-awakening, this is what he might have painted: a taste of nirvana. See if it makes you go thoughtless.    2. The first time most people properly feel their vibes on their hands and heads when they meditate, is after they've done a footspa detox. It's the thing that can really make a difference for you. Try it and see for yourself.      3. The universe is benevolent and pregnant with possibilities - just for you. But you need to connect. Through silence. Here's how.

Thoughtless Awareness.jpg


Cosmic Silence.jpg

"We cannot meditate; we only can be in meditation." Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, 'Meditation in Thoughtless Awareness, 30th March 1976, Delhi , India.

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