Tuesday 19 November 2019

Deep Experiences

Below: 1. If you're practising SY meditation, then you're practising Zen. Here's why.    2. Lotus of love - a short guided meditation for peace and tranquility.   3. We're made by our experiences and the more positive and profound they are the better we'll be for it. Hear three people tell you about theirs.

Zen & Tao.jpg

Lotus meditation.jpg
Gathering Lotus.jpg

"Now Zen is nothing but Sahaja Yoga- same thing as. But Zen had only twenty-six Kashyapas in six centuries. Kashyapas means realized souls. Only twenty-six in six centuries. And now there are none. " Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi , 6th May 2001, Italy.

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