Monday, 25 November 2024

Why You May Feel Stuck. Untying Your 3 Knots (Granthi Vibhedini)


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Why You May Feel Stuck. Untying Your 3 Knots (Granthi Vibhedini)

Dear Friend,

The feeling of being stuck in life seems to be quite common, because there's therapy available for it.

It usually has to do with a job that's no longer fulfilling, or a relationship, or an ambition you never had the chance to explore.

There's another way to understand this feeling from the point of view of yoga.

According to this view, you go through a repeat cycle of wanting something (left channel of desire / ida nadi) and getting it (right channel of actionpingala nadi).

There's a brief period  in the cycle of satisfaction at having got what you wanted. But then the cycle takes you on to wanting something else. And so it goes on.

Nothing quite seems to hit the spot. Things aren't working out. There's a feeling of being stuck.

The only way out of the 'cycle of futility' is the 'middle way', your central channel/ sushumna nadi, which your kundalini opens up for you.

Your daily kundalini meditation gradually unties the 3 knots in the psyche that have a limiting effect on you achieving fulfilment and permanent satisfaction. More below.

Also below: Free seat at Inner Peace Concert waiting for you; and, a remedy for overthinking.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 26th Nov -  Ekadashi (fast relief); Fri. 29th - Shivaratri (be true to yourself - it's all that matters); Sat. 30th - New Moon (new beginnings).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Click To Save Your Free Seat : 6 - 8:15pm Saturday 30th Nov 2024.
Music & dance (theatre & painting) can lift you into the state of 'rasa-anubhava' (euphoria), according to the philosophy of Indian art. Kundalini awakeniing intensifies the effect . Come and experience it for yourself. There are limited seats at this inner peace concert, so book now and invite your friends...
Solve a Problem Now Without Overthinking It. (a Meditation).
Overthinking comes from an overactive/'hot' liver (right swadisthana chakra). To help cool it down, cut down on the coffee and hold your left hand (cooling moon side energy) on your liver. Or use the icepack treatment. The more thoughtless you become as a result, the more likely you are to get a 'flash of insight' that can help solve any problem. Try with this short guided meditation ...
Untying Your Knots. How Your Kundalini Works.
In her journey of ascent, your kundalini has to break (vibhedini)  3 knots (granthis) along her path to help you achieve your Sahasrara (fulfilment). The analogy is like untying the ribbons on a gift of a box of chocolates so that you can enjoy what's inside. Here's the other way your kundalini works to bring you all the benefits of your practice of Sahaja yoga....
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Quote of the Week

"When kundalini is awakened and you are connected to this energy all around us; this energy flows into you too. You are nourished by this energy that is why many people who take to Sahaja Yoga get rid of a lot of diseases. They get out of big troubles. Whatever they thought [desired/wanted], they got it. " 

April 13th 1996, Kolkata (India).

Do you do one-on-one sessions?
In Reply:

I'm always available over email to answer individual questions you may have about your personal meditation practice .

Otherwise, actual meditation sessions are always in a group setting.

This helps you benefit from the powerful group dynamic of being in the same energy space as other people with their kundalini awakened.

Your progress is faster and you more quickly develop your faculty of vibrational awareness.

I've also noticed how people participating regularly in group meditation more quickly overcome issues affecting other areas of their life. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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