Monday, 11 November 2024

Connected World. Understanding The Gaia Hypothesis.


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Connected World. Understanding The Gaia Hypothesis. 

Dear Friend,

When you think about somebody you know, you may be able to feel their vibes on your hands if you pay close attention.

This is because we're all connected. And if you feel a hurt on your finger while thinking of them, then you can rub your finger (for the chakra) and they'll feel better.

Similarly, they could do the same for you. 

This mutual support is Mother Earth's way and has been named , the Gaia Hypothesis

According to this, the Earth can be viewed as a living entity that interacts with living organisms in a web of mutual support to maintain the conditions for the continued sustenance and evolution of life.

And the earth has her own chakras.

When there was a debt crisis in Greece, the global economy suffered. Greece is the Nabhi chakra (see: Omphalos)  of the world. So if there's a problem in Greece, the rest of the world gets a belly ache.

Similarly, if there's political disagreement in America, the rest of the world coughs because America represents the world's Vishuddhi chakra.

Which all means that you're not powerless. The next time you're watching trouble from afar, rub your finger and you could be doing all of us a world of good. More below.

Also below: Download this guide for taking care of yourself from the inside out; and, taking a moment to tap into joy.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 12th Nov. - Ekadashi (Creative destruction - get rid of it); Fri. 15th - Full Moon (early to bed).

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Antaryami Yoga - Taking Care of Your Inner Self (Download Free Guide).
Your energy, vitality and mood can be nurtured better by paying attention to your inner self . This is your sukshma sharira or subtle body made up of your energy centres (chakras) and energy channels (ida, pingala, sushumna). Download this free guide to get a quick 10-minute overview of what part of yourself to focus on to gain the maximum benefit...
Getting The Experience of The Joy Within (a Meditation).
There are different kinds of joy to be experienced on each of your chakras when your meditation helps you to focus inwards. The most basic joy is the one we all have when we are children - which is the joy of spontaneity. Although this is gradually lost by adulthood, you can recover it by regularly meditating on your mooladhara chakra with this short guide...
Connected World - Understanding The Gaia Hypothesis.
Apart from having a great time, the next time you fly off on holiday to another country, you could take the opportunity to experience a greater depth in one of your chakras. If you go to Japan , meditate on your right heart. While in Australia feel the force on your mooladhara. Here's why the earth is sacred...
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Quote of the Week

"The expression of Adi Shakti [Primordial Mother] within you is the Kundalini, no doubt. But the reflection in the Mother Earth is also expressed, as you all know, in different places, different countries, different 
cities as the manifestation of chakras.
So, it’s tremendous similarity that we have with Virata [Universe], the Mother Earth and the human beings. If all of them are being reflected by the Adi Kundalini so there has to be a great connection between them. It is not understood by human beings how they are connected to this Mother Earth." 

May 25th 1997, Cabella Ligure (Italy).

I heard someone mention that the meditation photo can 'answer' questions. How does that work?
In Reply:

Try this experiment.

While sitting in front of your meditation photo after your meditation, ask a 'Yes/No' question that has deep significance for you.

Repeat the question a few times with a real sincerity to know the answer. Have both palms open towards the meditation photo as you do this.

If you are able to feel vibes on your hands then one of three things will happen.

Either you'll get an increased feeling of coolness on your palms. This indicates an answer 'yes' to your question.

Or, your palms might begin to feel warmer. This indicates an answer 'no'.

Or, the vibes might stop altogether and you'll feel nothing on your palms. This also indicates a 'no'.

The question could be about other people; a situation your in or about an important decision you have to make.

It has more to do with your sensitivity to vibes than it has to do with the meditation photo as such. But experimenting with the meditation photo is a good place to start.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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