Monday, 4 November 2024

Your Mojo Working. The Power of the Photograph.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Your Mojo Working. The Power of the Photograph.

Dear Friend,

The QR code is a wonderful invention. Scan the square, patterned image with your phone and it takes you straight to a target website, without you having to type out a long internet address (URL).

This is why it is called a QR code. The QR stands for 'Quick Response'.

Your meditation photo is like a QR code. When you sit and meditate with the photo with a candle in front, your own kundalini 'scans' (responds to) the code and takes you to a 'target' . The response is also quick.

Without the QR code of the photo, meditation can be like trying to type out a long URL in order to reach the target of 'thoughtless awareness'.

It can be done. But it's far less efficient.

What is even more fantastic about this QR code is that it adapts and changes in real-time according to what your need is when you sit in front of it.

The result is that this single code can take you to different targets.

Some people report how they got cured with the photo. Other people credit the photo with solving personal problems that they couldn't find a solution for. 

The photo has also brought a sense of peace and confidence about the future, to others.

How does all this work? 

It works because you bring an open mind and the mojo of your own awakened kundalini to the experience. More below.

Also below: junking your way to joy; and, releasing yourself from the pent-up past.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Fri. 8th Nov. - Saptami (Strong positive vibes. Make use.); Sat. 9th - Durgashtami (Getting the upper hand); Sun. 10th - Navami ( You're protected).

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Why Throwing Stuff Away Can Make You Feel Better.
We've all got stuff that we hold on to well past it's 'sell-by' date.  It could be that pile of magazines that you've been meaning to go through. Or the clothes that don't fit taking up space in your wardrobe. Whatever form your hoarding takes, Anna Runkle aka The Crappy Childhood Fairy , reckons it's a symptom of a more general issue with it's roots in your childhood. She explains here why de-cluttering your home may be a good place to start. Plus, it's got to be good for the vibes, right?
Letting Go of Emotional Baggage Using a Candle (a Meditation).
Don't let your past haunt you. Put a candle to it. Your emotional memory is stored in Ida Nadi (left subtle yogic channel). Just by sitting on the ground (helps your mooladhara chakra) with a candle placed to the left of your body, you'll be surprised how your mood immediately begins to lift. Try it now with this short meditation ...
The Power of The Photograph -  Hand Signals.
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Quote of the Week

"There’s a photograph of Mine, first you have to work on that. Afterwards you will know that how it works, but first you have to use My photograph, I don’t know what to do because the photograph has the vibrations. You can test it, you’ll get tremendous vibrations from the photograph. It’s a kind, as we can call, a figure, which emits vibrations. I do not gain anything by that, but you will gain. You will gain, so you have to sit down and meditate before the photograph. It’s full of vibrations. It’s so effective..."

September 27th 2000, London (England).

I can feel a right heart catch on my finger when I think about my mum; who I don't live with. When I rub my right little finger, the catch goes away but then comes back again. What could that be?
In Reply:

The reason clearing your mum's right heart by rubbing your finger is only having a temporary effect is that it could be a more deep-seated issue.

If you've raised her kundalini and shown her how to meditate using a candle and photo, you could teach her the Sita-Rama mantra for the right heart and tell her to use that to work out the issue.

If she doesn't know any Sahaja yoga, you could suggest she visit her GP for a health check.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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