Monday, 18 November 2024

Dosing on Dopamine. How Your 'Happy Hormones' Transforms Everything.

Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Dosing on Dopamine. How Your 'Happy Hormones' Transforms Everything. 

Dear Friend,

Remember this acronym : DOSE.

The letters stand for: D = Dopamine, O = Oxytocin, S = Serotonin, E = Endorphin.

These are the 4 brain chemicals (neurotransmitters ) which give you the feelings of being: loved-up, on-top-of-the-world, worth-a-million-dollars and ready-for-anything (not necessarily in that order).

Because of their effect, they are usually referred to as the 'Happiness Hormones'.

To increase your DOSEvarious 'hacks' have been suggested. These include getting more sunlight (serotonin); getting more exercise (endorphin); laughing more (dopamine); cooking and eating together (oxytocin).

If you can do all of that then great. But let's be honest, life keeps getting in  the way. You've got other things to think about. Here's the short-cut.

The ancient texts on Kundalini implies that there is way to an effortless high DOSE.

Verse 106 of the Shri Lalita Sahasranama ( '1000 Names of the Goddess') says:

* 106 * Sudha sarabhi varshini - She who makes nectar flow in all our nerves from sahasrara i.e. she who gives the very pleasant experience of the ultimate 

The Sanskrit word 'Varshini' means 'rain' and 'Sudha' means 'the thing that gives delight or bliss'. So, like rain, the thing that gives delight falls continuously. 

When you feel good inside, all or most of the time, it begins to seep into your day-to-day life. This is how your daily kundalini meditation is transforming you. More below.

Also below: Heidi Castro's cure for migraine; and, a meditation to make your wishes come true.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 18th Nov. - Sankashti Chaturthi ( Difficult problems easily overcome); Fri. 22nd - Saptami (Your lucky 7th day); Sun. 24th - Navami (Coming out on top).

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Theta State - Heidi Castro's  Migraine Cure.
There's a headache. Then there's a very big headache. And then there's migraine. 10% of people worldwide are affected and it's three times more prevalent in women than men. In this 2 minute Australian News segment, Heidi Castro, an architect, describes how regularly 'going theta' helps her...
Make a Wish - The Power of Connecting Your Heart's Desire to Sahasrara Chakra (a Meditation).
What do you want? If you can trace the root of the want to your heart, then that want is heartfelt and connects with Sahasrara in meditation. At Sahasrara  it merges into the 'paramachaitanya' (self-organising principle of nature) and can be fulfilled. Use this short guided meditation to make a wish...
How Your 'Happy Hormones' Transforms Everything.
Your kundalini goes up and pierces your '1000-petalled lotus' (brain's limbic region). Like a stick being poked into a hanging honey hive to make the honey drip down, in the same way the 'amrut' flows down into you. Your Happiness Hormones kick-in and the world feels different. Everything gradually gets transformed . Here's why this transformation has to happen.... 
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Quote of the Week

"I hope some of you try to understand that if you have to have a real honest purpose and if you want to achieve something you must aim at transforming yourself." 

July 26th 1988, New York City (USA).

I sometimes say some affirmations to boost my confidence whenever I'm feeling a little insecure about a situation. How can my meditation help?
In Reply:

Confidence comes from a strong centre heart chakra.

By regular use of the 'Jagadamba' mantra with your meditation, you can build up your centre heart chakra  and overcome feelings of insecurity.

'Jagadamba' means 'world/universal Mother' and is the visualisation, in yoga, of the energy of the centre heart chakra.

You can experiment with the mantra by taking a deep breath and intoning 'Jagadamba'  12 tmes on one breath, with your attention focused on the centre of your chest.

Also you can listen to this short guided meditation which includes the ancient Sanskrit hymn  'Devi Kavach' (armour of the Goddess) which boosts confidence by giving a feeling of being protected.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.


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