Monday, 2 December 2024

Going With The Flow (Properly). How You're Helped By Nature's Intelligence.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Going With The Flow (Properly). How You're Helped By Nature's Intelligence.

Dear Friend,

Picture the following two scenarios.

Scenario A:
Dr. X runs a London out-patient medical practice and has a number of people booked in for appointments on the Monday.

Over the weekend Dr. X gets an invitation at short notice to make a potentially important trip to New York on the Monday. However, the patient appointments can't be rescheduled and so Dr. X has to reluctantly turn down the invitation.

Scenario B:
Dr. B  runs a London out-patient medical practice and has a number of people booked in for appointments on the Monday.

Over the weekend Dr. B gets an invitation at short notice to make a potentially important trip to New York on the Monday. However, the patient appointments can't be rescheduled and so Dr. B has to reluctantly turn down the invitation.

As Dr. B is preparing to go into work on Monday, the practice secretary calls to say that the patients booked in for Monday have all called and cancelled. Dr. B just manages to catch that flight to New York.

The Dr. B is Dr Brian Wells, a consultant psychiatrist, who talks about this experience shortly after kundalini-awakening in this interview.

It may have been just a rare coincidence. But when coincidences begin to stack up and many other people are getting them as a by-product of their daily kundalini meditation, something must be at work. 

That something, in Sanskrit, is called 'Paramachaitanya', which is the intelligence inherent in Nature. 

With the help of the Paramchaitanya, you know that you're always going to come out on top, no matter what the situation is.

This is how you learn to relax and go with the flow. More below.

Also below: carrying the vibes with you on a pendant when you go out; and, a meditation to help you develop a superpower.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Sat. 7th Dec - Saptami ('Lucky 7th'. Go for it!); Sun. 8th - Durgashtami ('She stoops to conquer').

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On Wearing a Protective Pendant (Amulet).
The dictionary definition of 'Amulet' is 'an item or object that protects the wearer from trouble'. And on the anecdotal evidence of the thousands and thousands of long-term practitioners of Sahaja Yoga from around the world, the pendant of Shri Mataji has protected from all kinds of trouble and even  cured. There's no need to believe this. But if you're a little bit curious, you can order your own pendant from here... 
Sakshi Power - Watching Changes Everything (a Meditation).
When your Vishuddhi chakra blossoms then just by the detached witnessing of a situation, you can have an effect on it. In Sanskrit, the word for this is 'Sakshi-swarupa-tva'. This power can be useful in your day-to-day for changing the plot of any issues you face. As in the movies, so in life. Here's a short meditation to help you with that... 
Paramchaitanya - The Power That Loves You.
There's a birth trauma that everybody forgets about. It's when you're pulled out of your mother's womb and the umbilical cord is cut. Kundalini awakening is the process in reverse in a higher dimension. The womb of Mother Nature that you're now in, is the Paramachaitanya. Here's how She loves you....
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Quote of the Week

"So when your Kundalini rises, that is also a reflection of Adi Shakti [Primordial Mother]..This power of Adi Shakti, which we call Paramchaitanya, is the power that loves you, has complete control of the nature. It understands. It thinks. It knows everything. Everything about you, it knows. It works in every angle, in every walk of your life. It is with you entirely as if, supposing you fall into a river which is flowing fast and you cannot swim any more, you cannot use your hands any more. You start flowing with it and then you realise that flowing with it is a better thing than to try to get out of it. You don’t get drowned. On the contrary, you feel you are elevated. Then you understand, “What am I to do about something when it’s done by Paramchaitanya for me?” But, then [credit] should be given to your Kundalini which has worked it out, has put you onto that shore." 

June 26th 1994, Cabella Ligure (Italy).

What can I do if I feel physically unsafe? There have been several phone-snatchings and muggings near where I live, which is making be nervous when I go out. This doesn't help my meditative calm.
In Reply:

It's worth making a note of the 3 things the Police advise about keeping safe on the streets.

Other than that, the only thing I can suggest that may give you some psychological safety is to use a kundalini-bandhan  whenever you leave the house.

And for a confidence-boost you can re-read the newsletter post:

Universe Got Your Back - How You're Protected, Guided & Helped.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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