Changed Circumstances. Spending Wealth You Didn't Know About. Dear Friend,
During the course of your busy day you probably pay attention to a lot of different things. Some of it will be related to your work and the rest frittered away on other things.
According to yoga, in this state your attention flows outwards towards 'objects' and becomes tied up with those objects. This is the price of 'paying attention' to something'. It's the cost of entanglement.
What we pay attention to from moment to moment becomes our 'lived experience', which could be described as a web of entanglements. The Sanskrit word for this is 'Maya' meaning 'illusion'.
When your kundalini is awakened, for the first time your attention is diverted and begins to flow inwards to your essence (your spirit /atma). The web of entanglements begin to unravel and you discover yourself becoming more detached about things.
However, due to conditioning and mental habit the outward flow of the attention does not stop so Maya/ illusion remains.
The benefit of daily kundalini meditation for your attention is like developing a muscle in a gym. It strengthens the inward flow of the attention
When there's no cost placed on your attention then like any asset it appreciates in value. At that stage when you 'pay attention' to something it can act and have a real effect.
This is spending the wealth you never knew you had. More below.
Also below: rationality is not everything - an interview with Dr. Brian Wells; and, the well-nourished look you begin to get from your meditation.
Best wishesP. PS. Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 24th Sept - Saptami (Your lucky 7th - do it today!); Thurs. 26th - Navami (Be bold ; you're protected); Sat. 28th - Ekadashi (Replace and Renew). |