Monday 5 August 2024

When What You Say Comes True. How Your Speaking Has New Power.


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When What You Say Comes True. How Your Speaking Has New Power.

Dear Friend,

The most marvellous experience I had of someone speaking was when I went to the Royal Albert Hall for the first time.

The initial reason I went there was the opportunity to see the inside of this landmark building near Kensington Palace for free. It was a free event.

By the time a came out I was a changed person. Not from what I saw but from what I heard. The speaker was Shri Mataji.

Her every word was like an arrow fired into my soul. And every arrow tipped with a balm to heal a part of me. Literally.

With several thousand people in the audience, she was speaking just to me. Everyone else must have felt similarly singled out.

But I must have had the biggest grin. My face ached pleasantly from ear to ear as we made our way out of the hall into a warm summer evening.

And now I understand what it was that I experienced. It was the vibes.

Shri Mataji's speaking carries vibes and the effect of it would have been the same if she had spent the duration of the event patiently reading out to us the London telephone directory.

I'm not just saying that. Go here to the Humans2.0 YouTube channel, select any of her speeches of medium length and listen with your palms open and your attention at the top of your head. It shifts things within you that can be felt.

This is what 'Mantra' is. It is the effect on speech of the awakened Kundalini. And now you have this power too. More below.

Also below: why singing more is good for you; and, freeing yourself of emotional baggage so that you can find fresh answers.  

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Fri.8th  August - Vinayaka Chaturthi (you can break through); Sun. 11th - Saptami (Good vibes today!).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
If you knew how beneficial to your health singing is, you'd probably start today. It can open your heart chakra out because it causes you to breathe a certain way. It can clear your head because of it's resonating effect. No surprise then that singing is an integral part of the group practice of Sahaja yoga. Before you jump into some online Karaoke, you should hear from the man in the hat  about the 25 health benefits of singing...
Head Back - Breaking The Cycle of Repetitive Behaviour (a Meditation).
It can be difficult to free yourself from patterns of self-sabotaging behaviour because the foundations may have been laid in childhood. However, your Kundalini knows where these habits and conditionings are stashed. It's in your back Agnya chakra. Hold your hand at the back of your head to clear it. Then use your Sahasrara chakra for problem-solving with this short guided meditation... 
How Your Speaking Has New Power - Mantra Jagrut .
When your Kundalini is awakened , she 'enlightens' your speaking so that what you say can have a creative force which would otherwise be missing. The way that many Sahaja yogis have experienced this is when they said something off-handedly in the moment and later witnessed it happening.  The other experience is of feeling the effect  of saying mantras. Here's what 'Mantra Jagrut ' ('awakened mantra') is... 
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Quote of the Week

 "After Realization, the Kundalini enlightens the “vani” (speaking), as it enlightens everything else. Because of that enlightenment, your mantras become enlightened. And that’s how, when you say a mantra, it is effective, it’s lighted. Before this, any mantra said has no meaning, it’s just ordinary Vani, just like in any ordinary person. A person whose Spirit is enlightened, and [whose] vani is enlightened, such a person, whatever [they] say comes true. Whatever [they] ask for happens.."

May 17th 1981, Chelsham Road Ashram, Clapham (London) 

" Is there any recommended treatment for stomach problems? "
In Reply:

Obviously follow the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. However you can supplement this by regularly drinking 'vibrated' water.

You can vibrate water by first checking if there's a 'cool breeze' flow on your hands during and after meditation and if there is, dipping fingers of your right hand in a glass of water to 'charge' it with vibes.

If you can't feel the vibes in your hands, then you can leave a glass of water in front of your meditation photo for a while to vibrate it.

Then pour the glass of water into a large bottle of water to vibrate all of it and drink regularly.

We know from experiments with vibrated water on plants that it has curative power. 
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Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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