Monday 19 August 2024

How To Avoid Dementia When Older. Personality Trait Links To Chronic Illnesses.


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How To Avoid Dementia When Older. Increasing Your Mental & Physical Resilience.

Dear Friend,

There's a moving 4 min scene, 'I want my mommy.' from the the 2020 film, The Father, and starring the British actor, Anthony Hopkins , which shows what the struggle with dementia later on in life looks like.

Unless you personally know somebody with dementia, the illness may not be of much concern. However, the risk of dementia starts much earlier on and the personality traits we have play a role.

We know, for example, that people with type A personality traits - aggressive and hard-charging - are more likely to get heart attacks.

dementia risk study was published in a Journal of Neurology in 2014, that shows that people who tend to distrust the motives of others ('cynical distrust') are more likely to get dementia.

This general link between personality traits and risk for certain illnesses, although being confirmed by modern medicine, actually goes back to the very beginnings of medicine with the Greeks and Egyptians.

It was known as the Four Temperament Theory where a person's personality was defined by the overload of one bodily fluid (humor) or another.

So a person could be regarded as phlegmatic (phlegm), sanguine (blood), choleric (yellow bile), melancholic (black bile).

This same idea is carried over into the ancient practice of Ayurvedic medicine, where disease and it's prevention and cure are based holistically on personality type or dosas.

Sahaja yoga goes deeper by breaking it down into whether a person tends to be 'left-sided', 'right-sided' and the state of their individual chakras.

This is why it is that your daily practice of your Kundalini meditation could be protecting you from dementia and other future illnesses. More below.

Also below:  learn how to 'shoe beat' to help you solve problems; and, making more use of your garden or the park to increase wellbeing.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 19th Aug. - Full Moon (Completeness); Thurs 22nd - Sankashti Chaturthi (Solving problem that could  not be solved); Sun. 25th - Saptami (Your 'Lucky 7th'  ).

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If you ever find yourself in a position of difficulty created by another person, you can 'shoebeat' the issue to get relief.  This avoids any angry words being exchanged or ending up suffering in silence. The idea of symbolically beating something with shoes originates in Arabic culture. The Sahaj variation of this has been found to actually work on vibes as well. Grab your left shoe and listen to this .... 
Ground Work - Using The Mother Earth To Heal Yourself (with Meditation).
Your contact with the Mother Earth can be therapeutic. When you sit or lie down on the ground, or even just stand barefoot, there's an internal sensation of an almost magnetic pull on your chakras. This can help clear a chakra and therefore have a healing effect. Here's a short meditation to engage the power of your Kundalini as well, so you achieve a faster result.... 
How To Avoid Dementia When Older - Increasing Your Mental and Physical Resilience.
Companionship, family and friends, and social involvement have been shown to future-proof a person's health. But the tendency to personal isolation is also increasing in society. Here's what happens to you that increases your mental and physical resilience when your kundalini rises...
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Quote of the Week

 "You’ll be able to correct your chakras. This is all by your central power.

And by this power only you have a very great power over your will. If you decide that you are going to be like this, you will be. If you want to be a happy person you will be. The transformation will be at your hand. You can transform yourself without any difficulty. That will work out, if you use the central power of Mahalakshmi."

January 27th 1980, Bordi (India) 

" What can I do about financial insecurity?"
In Reply:

It's the subconscious fear of hunger so you need to work on your stomach ( Nabhi chakra) by giving it the feeling of fullness (satisfaction).

This doesn't mean binge eating. It means getting more vibes into your Nabhi. 

You can get more vibes into your Nabhi by placing your hand over your stomach while you meditate and 'drawing' vibes from your meditation photo with the other hand.

When the right hand is placed over your stomach and the extended fingers are pressing into the left side of your stomach, it's nourishing your left Nabhi chakra ( domestic issues).

When the left hand is placed over your stomach and the extended fingers are pressing into the right side of your stomach, it's nourishing your right Nabhi chakra (work issues).

This meditative exercise if done over a period of about a week, not only removes the insecurity but can also solve the underlying problem.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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