Monday 12 August 2024

Why You Get Mixed Feelings. 3 Flavours of Experiencing.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Why You Get Mixed Feelings. 3 Flavours of Experiencing.

Dear Friend,

Everything that has happened to you in the past and anything you hope for in the future acts as mental and emotional background scenery (Vritti)  that colours how you experience life from moment to moment.

And so if you were asked the question : Are you happy?, you might think of how well your business is doing or about that promotion you got at work, and decide that, yes, you are happy.

But then you'd remember the client or colleague that you're not getting on well with or the fact that your social life is lacking a little bit, and then you'd decide that you could be happier if things were different.

Our feelings are always mixed in this way because of our Vritti.

Your experience of life is through your awareness/ attention/ consciousness (Chitta) which is continuously being acted on by your Vritti. Your Vritti itself has 3 'flavours'  or gunas.

The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali defines yoga as: "Yogas chitta vritti nirodhah", meaning 'yoga is achieved when the effect of vritti on chitta is stopped (nirodhah)'.

This is how your Kundalini works. She stops your vritti (vritti nirodhah ) acting on your chitta by taking you into the state of thoughtless awareness. More below.

Also below: How to vibe with the locals when you go on holiday; and, a short meditation to help you break free of the past (and the future).

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 12th Aug. - Durgashtami (Conquering the negative); Tue. 13th - Navami (You're protected); Thurs 15th - Putrada Ekadashi (Creative destruction).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
The great thing about the global spread of Sahaja yoga is that whether you go to Kuala Lumpur or Kentucky; whether Milan or Manama, you'll always have a welcoming place to go and meditate with the locals. Then you can better experience the essence of a place from it's vibes. This will give you more joy than the shopping and the food. Check out the Worldwide contacts list ready for your next holiday...
Balance - What Happens to You When You Let Go of Thoughts About Your Past & Your Future.
Whatever regrets you may have about anything are on your left (ida nadi'/ past). Whatever your frustrations, are on your right ('pingala nadi'/ future). They are only resolved by allowing your Kundalini to rise through your central channel and take these two weights off your head. Here's the short meditation to make this happen...
Gunateet - Powerful Effect When You Rise Above The 3 Flavours of Experiencing.
'Gunateet' means rising beyond the 3 gunas or 3 flavours of experiencing. This gradually happens with your daily kundalini meditation. The effect is that your awareness/chitta slowly merges into Reality which has a blissful quality beyond happiness and unhappiness ('Sat-chit-ananda'). Here's how it works...
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Quote of the Week

 "As soon as you transcend these three gunas (your left, right and central channels) you become thoughtlessly aware. You have to cross Agnya (mind). Once you cross Agnya, these three gunas, absolutely you go into a state where you are gunateet, you are beyond gunas (beyond the trap of limiting experience).

So you do not deliberately do anything, but it just works out..."

May 26th 1980, London (England) 

" Lately, I haven't been feeling the vibes as much on my hands and head when I meditate. What might be the reason for that? "
In Reply:

A good way to maintain your sensitivity to vibes is by regularly using a cold foot spa (footsoak) to 'detox'.

And also by using the meditation photo because you'll notice it emits vibes.

Looking after your vibes is key to your all-round wellbeing and to developing the '6th -sense' that your kundalini meditation gives you.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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