Monday 6 May 2024

Fixed Asset. Why Your Attention Is Valuable.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Fixed Asset. Why Your Attention Is Valuable. 

Dear Friend,

There's only so much you can pay attention to at the same time.

And in case you weren't aware, we live in an Attention Economy where people you don't know are slicing and dicing this valuable resource and selling it off to the highest bidder.

Madhumita Murgia, the Artificial Intelligence Editor at the Financial Times, reveals in her TED talk : "How data brokers sold my identity" why it is, that when you're, say, thinking about a possible holiday in the Maldives, you start seeing flights to the Maldives being advertised to you on YouTube.

But it's not just the advertising. It's everything else that wants a piece of you, or rather, a piece of your limited attention.

When you consider that what you pay attention to from moment to moment forms your life as you experience it, then getting to your happy place could entail changing what you're paying attention to.

That's the usefulness of your daily meditation practice. It's daily attention training that helps you to retrieve your scattered attention by making it flow inwards rather than flowing outwards.

In a famous, ancient text on Kundalini Yoga, Shri Lalita Sahasranama ( '1000 Names of the Goddess') this Sanskrit description is given:
  • v870 Anthar mukar samaradhya
  • v871 Bahir mukar sudurlabha
'Anthar mukar' means 'inward facing' and 'bahir mukar' means 'outward facing'. 'Samaradhya' means 'dedication / goal' and 'sudurlabha' means 'difficulty (in achieving goal)'.

So both verses taken together mean that your inward flowing attention gets you what your outward flowing attention cannot. More below.

Also below: If you want to make a success of something, this Friday 10th May, is the day to start it; and, Zaha Hadid -some inspiration to get you creatively inspired.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 6th May- Shivaratri (Self-illumination); Tue. 7th - New Moon (New Beginnings); Fri 10th - Akshaya Tritiya ('Indestructible 3rd Day' for lasting effect); Sat. 11th - Vinayaka Chaturthi (Lucky 4th day ).

Photo credits : Zara Hadid - Dmitry Ternovoy, FAL, via Wikimedia Commons
Heydar Aliyev centre -


Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Friday 10th May is 'Akshaya Tritiya' ('indestructible 3rd day') on the Indian lunar calendar. Because it is reckoned that anything you undertake on this day is 'indestructible' ie will be successful, it's traditionally a day for starting new business ventures, buying gold or getting married, amongst other things. See whether something works out for you by starting it on 10th May. Here's what else you need to know about this special day....
Zaha Hadid - Finding Your Inner Saraswati (A Meditation).
Zaha Hadid the late Iraqi-British Architect was called the 'Queen of Curves' because of her genius for marrying mathematics and poetry to produce buildings such as the Heydar Aliyev centre in Baku, Azerbaijan (shown). Talent such as this is said to be bestowed by Shri Saraswati, the goddess of creativity. You can nurture your own inner Saraswati with this short meditation...
Fixed Asset - Why Your Attention Is Valuable.
The looks on the faces of these children is an illustration of being in 'pratyaksha' - looking without any accompanying thoughts. In Sahaja yoga it's a version of what is called the 'witness' state. With the kundalini this state has the added effect that it can act. For that to happen your attention needs to be flowing inwards in the way described here... 
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Quote of the Week

"People ask me, why is this Kundalini kept like that there and then it had to rise and people had to seek it? As I said, the Kundalini is the residual consciousness within us that is recording all that we have done before in many lives and today. It is the micro subconscious which is like a tape recorder, which is placed in the triangular bone. Now, why this happening [kundalini awakening] is necessary is because the attention that is outside [outward flowing] of human beings  has to be pulled inside [inward flowing]. So, the happening takes place and automatically our attention is attracted inside [evolutionary jump in human awareness]." 

March 12th 1979,  New Delhi (India).

" Is it normal - I can feel my chakras on my feet?"
In Reply:

Yes it is normal. Similar to the fingers, the chakras are also 'encoded' on the feet and toes. That's why massaging your feet with oil as part of your daily self-care is beneficial - ideally after your footspa.

The diagram below shows the correspondences between the toes and chakras.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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