Monday 20 May 2024

Speech Therapy. How What You Say Shapes Things.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Speech Therapy. How What You Say Shapes Things. 

Dear Friend,

On your tongue resides the goddess of speech, Vagadevata, according to Kundalini yoga. And She expresses herself in 8 different ways that give a certain quality and effect to what you say.

These 8 expressions are themselves all aspects or powers of the goddess and are named:
  • Vashini - She who attracts
  • Kameshwari - She who excites
  • Modini - She who makes happy
  • Vimala - She who makes clean
  • Aruna - She who gives colour to the face
  • Jayini - She who gives a feeling of victory
  • Sarveshi - She who connects you to everyone
  • Kaulini - She who gives you what you want (boons)
From this it's clear that there's no aspect of the goddess of speech which caters to sarcasm, swearing or lying.

These are human innovations and when they are indulged in, it could be said that they reduce the potency of the goddess on your tongue.

However, when her potency is preserved and enhanced with your daily kundalini meditation, She is Kaulini , who gives you what you want. More below.

Also below: Move and impress your friends and family with some magical recipes; and, the only meditation app you need to carry on your phone.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Thurs. 23rd May - Full Moon (Your buddha-nature); Sun. 26th - Sankashti Ekadashi (Overcoming difficulty).

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The closest you'll probably come to a religious experience while eating a meal, is when you're eating some of the dishes prepared from recipes in Shri Mataji's cookbook. One of the easiest ways to improve your Nabhi chakra (health, wealth & happiness) is to ensure that the food you eat carries vibes (love). Learning how to make the 4 dishes shown is a start. Get the free cookbook... 
We Meditate  - Download The Free App Now.
It's finally arrived: a companion meditation app to develop your Kundalini yoga practice. If you want a kundalini-awakening refresh; it's there on the very first meditation. If you just want a quick meditation to create a shift that sets you up for a great day ahead; that's available too. Or maybe you want to track your path to mastery by integrating the knowledge and making it your own? Then go for it! Download the Free  App now...
Word Power - How What You Say Shapes Things. 
Not only does your kundalini connect you to the 'all-pervading' energy of existence ('paramachaitanya'), but she also 'enlightens' your powers of speech.  The combined effect of this is that your words have a literal power that can make them act (mantra). Maybe you don't want to summon rain, and that's OK. So it's also good for improving your relationship with others (Vishuddhi chakra). Here's how what you say comes true... 
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Quote of the Week

"This tongue is meant for saying things that will make people feel comforted; for saying mantras. See, if you go on telling lies, your mantras will never be fruitful, never activate. And if you are sarcastic, they will never act.  To make your mantras effective you should stop talking [with harshness]. If you have to talk, talk [in a way] that will be pleasing to another person.  This is one of the very big snags we have on our Vishuddhi chakra."

August 6th 1985, Chelsham Road Ashram, London (England).

" How does Kundalini awakening improve a person's mental health?"
In Reply:

Kundalini awakening improves a person's mental health through a gradual 'rewiring' of the brain through daily meditation.

In neuroscience, this 'rewiring' capacity of the brain is called 'neuroplasticity'.

As a result, problems of depression and anxiety, addictions, attention deficit and other issues can improve.

You can learn more about how specific aspects of mental health are benefitted on : 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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