Monday 22 April 2024

Wide Spread. How You Act On Bigger Things.


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Wide Spread. How You Act On Bigger Things.

Dear Friend,

If you're a Londoner, the London Mayoral elections are being held on 2nd May and if you're intending to vote you may be comparing the candidates on the different issues that you care about .

These could include the social issues relating to crime, homelessness and poverty or something else touched on in this Mayoral Manifesto. 

But there are other ways to bring about change in the things that concern you and that is by meditating on them. 

This may sound useless in practice but in theory it isn't. And the theory goes like this:

Everything that is going on everywhere - social problems, global problems - are movements of the all-pervading energy of existence ('paramachaitanya'). In a state of 'yoga', your Kundalini merges your awareness into this so that when you meditate on an issue it can have an effect.

And, as you can verify on yourself, this also works for more personal problems. The deeper you are in your 'yoga' the more effective it all is. More below.

Also below: Renew yourself by booking a ticket for two days of  music and meditation in the English countryside; and, making use of your 'bandhan' to help family and friends.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue 23rd April - Full Moon; Sat. 27th - Sankashti Chaturthi (Difficulty Removed). 

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Feel transformed by spending a day or two in the company of yogis enjoying music and meditation together. If you want to be there for both days, there's a selection of overnight places to stay at . The realised soul, William Shakespeare's birthplace is close by so you could really make an uplifting weekend of it by visiting there as well. Book your tickets to Bella Vita now...
Sky High - Your Action at a Distance Using a Bandhan.
The next time you're worried for a friend or family member, throw some vibes their way by giving them a bandhan. You do this by symbolically writing their name in your left palm (hand of wish/intention) and slowly rotating your right hand (hand of action) over it until you feel the left hand go cool. The higher your kundalini rises the more effective your bandhan is. Here's a short guided meditation making use of the bandhan...
Wide Spread - How You Act On Bigger Things.
Whatever you put your 'enlightened' attention to can have an effect . Whatever group or collective endeavour you're engaged in, try meditating on any issues and see what happens. The deeper you go in your meditation the wider you become. Here's how it works at global scale...
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Quote of the Week

"Sahaja Yoga first of all is for personal improvement. This means your intelligence must improve, your temperament must improve, your heart must clear out, your feelings must be alright. Then your health should be alright; your relationship with others should be alright; your ego should go away; your superego should go away. But this only helps a personality, just a personality, which is very limited. That is yourself. But now this personality can become instrumental, if you can develop that depth within yourself. That depth is possible, and [with that] you can really cure many problems of your country if you could just meditate on them."

May 6th 1987,  Sydney (Australia).

" Why do I feel tired all the time? I've been nodding off to sleep when I sit for meditation."
In Reply:

The obvious possibility is that you're not getting enough sleep. If you have any difficulty sleeping then a cool footsoak before bed-time can help.

If your sleeping is fine then it could be an iron deficiency in your diet . Best consult your GP or pharmacist who can better advise you.

From a Sahaj perspective, tiredness and sleepiness is a symptom of being over-balanced on the left channel. To correct this, move the vibes from your right side to your left side in an arc over your head repeatedly until you feel the difference.

Also increase the protein in your diet and reduce the carbs. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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