Monday 15 April 2024

Finding Fullness. What You Think You Want.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Finding Fullness. What You Think You Want.

Dear Friend,

There's the Bored Rich and then there's the lyrics of the Rolling Stones iconic song 'Can't Get No satisfaction' , which go to show that what you think you want may not be it.

Hunger for something is a fact of life.  But so is insatiability. You want something; you get it then you want something else. Played on repeat. There's only ever a temporary satisfaction.

If you want a more permanent satisfaction then the Nabhi chakra in your stomach is key.

The Nabhi is both the source of the natural urge for self-sustenance (eating to survive) and the urge to 'transcend' or rise above the human condition.

The urge to transcend is mostly an unconscious one and unacknowledged because there's no way anybody knows to fulfil it.

So we chase a faint shadow of it in everything we aspire to : a bigger this or more of that. But nothing quite hits the spot.

Your Kundalini is the missing link. It triggers your Nabhi to become that fully blossomed lotus that it was meant to be.  

With that you find the fullness that you seek. More below.

Also below: How moving your body helps your mind and emotions; and, how to be assertive without being assertive.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 15th April - Saptami (Your Lucky 7th); Tue. 16th - Durgashtami ( Set an Intention); Wed. 17th - Navami (Go For It! ); Fri. 19th - Kamada Ekadashi (Getting What You Want).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Repressing your emotions can hold you captive to the past (left channel). Dancing it out can free you (right channel). There's no need to think your moves through. Just let your body do the talking. For inspiration, you can watch this short piece of Indian classical dance, which like all of Indian art , has spirituality deeply embedded in it... 
Being Heard - Increasing Your Power of Influence Through Your Heart & Nabhi Chakras.
In matters that affect you, you should say something when given the opportunity. If you doubt your ability to be assertive enough to influence a decision, then put  a little work into your heart and nabhi chakras. You can use this short meditation, which will develop your confidence (heart)  and self-projection (nabhi)... 
Finding Fullness - The Fruits Of Your Nabhi Chakra.
Your Nabhi chakra is the chakra of your health, wealth and happiness. So if you want more of that - and who wouldn't? - pay extra attention to your Nabhi in meditation. In yoga, the energy of the Nabhi chakra is visualised as goddess Lakshmi, who is said to exist in 8 forms representing the different kinds of wealth. Gradually, She transforms into Mahalakshmi , the urge to transcend or evolve. Here's more on the fruits...
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Quote of the Week

" This Nabhi, which is the navel center,  is very important in human beings. This is the center by which we seek [money, power, possessions etc.]. So now you are seekers of something beyond. It has always been so. But this seeking beyond is not described to so many people and they are not able to understand what the 'beyond' is. This center is very important for your evolutionary process [the urge to rise beyond the human condition/ Kundalini rise]."

March 27th 1981,  Sydney (Australia).

" When is the next Sahaja Yoga Meditation One-Day Retreat?"
In Reply:

The next 1-day Meditation Retreat is on 6th July 2024. 

Along with the group meditation sessions, there'll also be the following  4 workshops:
  • Bija Mantras & Meditation Music
  • Self-Care and Clearing Chakras
  • Learning More About The 'Subtle Body' 
  • Self-Diagnosing the State of Your Wellbeing with Vibes.
Places quickly fill up, so best to book your place now on  Register.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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