Monday 8 April 2024

Done Solitary. How To Advance By Spreading Yourself Around.


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Done Solitary. How To Advance By Spreading Yourself Around.

Dear Friend,

At last month's Oscars ceremony, Emma Stone , in her acceptance speech, followed a long line of previous winners of the best actress award, by acknowledging the support she had received from various people.

Nobody scaled any heights or fulfilled their potential by being a loner. People need people.

However, according to recent surveys, there appears to be a silent epidemic of loneliness. In London, 35% of people report feeling lonely. In America 52% of the people say they are lonely.

So while loneliness may not be a matter of choice, if you're finding that a typical evening consists of ordering a Deliveroo and watching yet another TV box set by yourself, then it may be time to do something about it. 

There are tons of fun things you could be doing with other people. It just depends on what your interests are. The two best sites to find stuff are and

Sahaja yoga meetings can be found on both sites. If you happen to be in a location for which there's nothing listed on either site, then pick up the phone and call a number on this SY worldwide contacts list to find your local meeting.

Spread yourself around. Your spirit, which is your true identity as a collective or universal personality, will shine brighter as a result. More below.

Also below: Some TLC for your ears; and, getting to the peace beyond your busy mind.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 8th April - New Moon (new beginnings).

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Excessive build up of wax in the ear can affect your hearing but don't stick a cotton swab in it to try and remove it . The Ayurvedic remedy (Karana Purana) is to put a few drops of warm oil in the ear - olive or garlic- which softens the wax so that it easily comes out. The ears, mouth and nose relate to your Vishuddhi chakra (the chakra of your personality), so caring for your ears in this way also helps your Vishuddhi...
Beyond The Mind - Getting Mental Peace By Clearing Your Agnya Chakra.
Learning how to achieve a few seconds of mental peace by going beyond your mind can be a blissful experience. This is not always possible because of a constricted Agnya chakra (centre of forehead). Here's a short meditation to help clear your Agnya chakra and allow your Kundalini to take you into that state where there's complete clarity...
Done Solitary -Advancing By Spreading Yourself Around.
It's a lot of fun spending time with people that you can relate with at the level of vibes. It doesn't matter where they are from. Your real self is your spirit, which is your collective personality. So don't be a loner; spread yourself around. Here's how it leads to your advancement...
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Quote of the Week

"The Spirit in [your] heart is the one  which is the Collective Being within [you], which manifests that Divine Power (vibes) that flow through [you] and that’s how, once [you] are 'connected to the mains' (Kundalini yoga),  [you] start becoming what [you] are for (Purpose)."

May 14th 1982,  Brighton (England).

" What can I do about the discouraging thoughts that I keep getting (even when meditating). No matter what situation I'm in I always think the worst is going to happen ?"
In Reply:

Thoughts can be self-fulfilling, so you can break the chain and re-program yourself by using positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are easy to make up yourself. In fact they probably work better when you make them up yourself. It's useful to make them short so they are easy to remember and you can repeat them as and when needed.

If, for example, you're getting the thought "I'm going to fail this exam", then an obvious positive affirmation is : "I'm going to ace this exam". What then happens is that you're motivated to put in the effort to make the positive outcome come true.

The Sahaj method is to 'watch' or 'witness' the situation in thoughtless awareness and let the self-organising principle of Nature ('parama chaitanya') which your Kundalini connects you to, put the positive effect on it.
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Mind Rest.

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Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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