Monday 4 March 2024

Your Chance Meetings. Zen Timing & Help From Nowhere.


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Your Chance Meetings. Zen Timing & Help From Nowhere.

Dear Friend,

On one of my first trips to India years ago, I once landed at Delhi airport in the small hours only to discover that I had missed my pre-arranged pickup because I had had to switch to a later flight from Heathrow.

So there I was, standing outside a deserted terminal with no phone contact, no clear destination address and no taxis (this was before Uber).

As I sat down with my luggage pondering the prospect of spending the night at the airport, I went into meditation.

I came out of the meditation because a street kid who had been sitting on some nearby railings was trying to get my attention.

I couldn't make out what they were saying so I smiled, nodded, turned away again and went back into meditation. But they persisted. They were trying to tell me something.

It was only when I engaged with them fully that I understood: they knew where I was going and could take me there.

So within 5 minutes they had fetched an adult who brought around his taxi and in no time at all I was at my destination address.

This kind of thing happens. Sometimes your help comes from a place you're not expecting. More below.

Also below: Neem oil may be just the treatment your skin or hair needs; and, why you need to pay attention to both your sun and moon sides.  

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 4th March - Navami (Be bold! You can do it.); Wed. 6th - Vijaya Ekadashi (You conquer!); Fri. 8th - Mahashivaratri (You're a free spirit); Sun. 10th - New Moon (New beginnings).

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Here's something to keep handy in your bathroom medicine cabinet. A few drops of Neem oil on your toothpaste helps reduce plaque and sore gums. Rub a little into the scalp and it can clear up dandruff. It can heal and repair a range of skin conditions. The reason it's so versatile is because it's anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and so on. Here's more...  
Sun & Moon - Why You Need Your Desire & Action To Go Hand In Hand.
Too much desire and no action leads to frustration. Too much action and no desire also leads to frustration. Your right side/channel is your sun side or action side. Your left side/channel is your moon side or feeling/desire side. Things only move forward when they are balanced. A plane can't fly on one wing. Here's a short meditation to put your desire into action....
Your Chance Meetings - Zen Timing & Help From Nowhere.
Serendipity means 'happy chance'. It's being at the right place at the right time. It's meeting someone who provides the right input at the very time you need it. Serendipity can happen to anyone. But the state of being in Zen (kundalini meditative) makes it more likely to happen because the source of serendipity is the parama-chaitanya. Here's how it solves your problems...
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Quote of the Week

"If you know how to meditate on the waves of your mind, [then] the timing – just it tells you, this time this is that – everything works out....So, you are going on the road. Suddenly you feel like turning on to another side. You turn, you find a person standing there, (who helps you) finish your job. And that is why you become dynamic. You finish so many things in such a short time . That you do not know – otherwise it would have taken too much time for you...These material things work out just like that. You don’t have to bother. Nothing important. But even in emotional (things) and everything, you become so dynamic."

November 1st 1977, London (England).

" What's the Sahaja view on Tarot card reading and other forms of fortune-telling?"
In Reply:

I have no experience with Tarot card reading but there was a period when I had some interest in the Chinese I Ching ('Book of Changes'). After Sahaja this interest waned.

Here's the reason why. 

The underlying structure of events and why things turn out the way they do, which is what the divinatory aspect of I Ching tries to read in the hexagrams, is testament to the wisdom of ancient Chinese culture in recognising this nature of reality.

However, with kundalini awakening, this Reality ('parama-chaitanya') is actualised through your connection to it and becomes the stuff of your day-to-day experience. There's no need to study it. Just live it.

It's like the difference between someone trying to calculate where on a journey a car will be based on it's departure time and speed (I Ching), versus someone actually sitting in the car and experiencing the journey (Sahaja).

The I Ching has a much more deeper philosophical grounding than Tarot card reading has. So if the I Ching is made redundant by Kundalini awakening then so too is Tarot card reading redundant.    
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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