Monday 11 March 2024

Clear View. Feeling Your Way To More Happiness.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Clear View. Feeling Your Way To More Happiness.

Dear Friend,

In the movie Small Time Crooks, a husband rents an empty shop next door to a bank so that, along with his gang, he can secretly dig a hole into the bank vault and steal the money.

To avoid suspicion the wife opens a cake shop at street level as cover for the digging going on in the basement.

Down in the basement, the husband is having all kinds of problems with his criminal plan to get rich quick. The digging doesn't go too well - they hit a water pipe and emerge somewhere else other than where they were expecting.

Meanwhile, upstairs, the cake business is thriving. The wife is so good at what she does that pretty soon word spreads about the quality of her cakes and there's regularly a queue in the shop. 

The wife gets rich from running the business. The husband gives up the mucking about in the basement and his wife gives him a job in the shop.

Sometimes it's better to feel your way to happiness rather than think it. It's your vibes (kundalini awareness) that gives you a clear view and guide of where you're going. More below.

Also below: A lullaby for grown-ups to help you de-stress; and, developing your hidden strengths with a meditation. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Sat. 16th Mar - Saptami (Your lucky day!); Sun. 17th - Durgashtami (Set an intention ; it works.)

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Lullabies have traditionally been sung to babies to help them sleep. Just listening to them can soothe you down no matter your age. This South Indian lullaby sung by the famous musician, Bombay Jayashri is the best one I've heard. As calming therapy it works within 3 minutes of listening to it... 
Power Point - Using Your Hidden Strengths To Win @Work.
Whether you're leading a team; or are involved in coaching and mentoring; or preparing a client presentation, it's how you project your energy that wins people over rather than what you say. Your 'energy' is your aura and your aura is a reflection of the state of your chakras. Here's a short meditation to power your hidden strengths (your chakras)...  
Clear View - Feeling Your Way To More Happiness.
Every past decision we've all made has led to where we are today, for better or worse. Making perfect decisions is not possible because nobody has a clear view of all the factors. The advantage of developing your vibrational awareness through your daily kundalini meditation is you don't need to know all the factors in order to make perfect decisions. Just let the vibes guide you to greater happiness. Here's more about judging on vibes...
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Quote of the Week

 "You know the truth. Through your vibratory awareness you know. Because these vibrations come as an indication from something that is your Spirit, which is an absolute thing. So whatever information it gives you is absolute. Through this awareness, this Divine awareness, you have to judge everything, to know everything, and to do everything through that. Life becomes much simpler. All your complications, all your angers, all your troubles, all will vanish as soon as you start using this, because it is such a universal thing. You become happy, joyous, straight-forward, open-hearted, fearless."

March 5th 1986, Wimbledon (England).

" How does one know when the Crown chakra is open /opening?"
In Reply:

You'll know your Crown chakra is opening when you go thoughtless. Because you can only go thoughtless once your kundalini has passed your Agnya chakra in your forehead.

When  she passes your Agnya chakra that's when she enters your Sahasrara (Crown chakra) and begins to open it up.

Also with Sahasrara opening up, you should be able to feel the flow of vibes at the top of your head and a state of peace and joy.

In addition, you may get the feeling of honey being gently poured on your head and trickling down the sides of your head/face.

If you feel that, then it means your kundalini has touched the point above your head called 'amruta dayini' ('giver of nectar/elixir') which is how your kundalini has a rejuvenating effect on you.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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