Monday 5 February 2024

Power Harness. Changing The Course Of Things.


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Power Harness. Changing The Course Of Things.

Dear Friend,
If wishing and the act were one,
We'd think the thing and see it done,
We'd plant the seed and get the fruit,
We'd start the race and cross the line,
At one and the very same time.

But, nowhere does this occur,
The gap of want acts as a spur,
To chase the thing that won't get caught,
Your wakened kundalini sets you free,
The 'wishing and the act are one' is She.

According to yoga, your body is a microcosm of the universe(macrocosm). Your kundalini is a micro-version of that power that is said to pervade the universe and govern everything. In Indian philosophy, this power is visualised as the Adi Shakti ('Primordial Mother').

When you have a problem; when you want to change the course of something and this stirring within you is picked up by your kundalini, there's synchronicity with the Adi Shakti.

What you wish for can happen.

The technique for harnessing this power inherent in your kundalini is by a simple manipulation of the vibes, and described as a 'bandhan'. More below.

Also below: A piece of music of the mystics to move your kundalini ; and, the benefit of burning incense.
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 6th February - Ekadashi (Getting rid of what's not needed); Thurs 8th - Masik Shivaratri (Paying attention to yourself); Fri 9th - New Moon (new beginnings ).

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Ghazals originated in 7th century Arabic love poetry. It was brought to India by the Sufis, who practised a mystic form of Islam, which could be regarded as a form of Yoga (Union with the Divine). For Sufis, the romantic longing expressed in the ghazal was a metaphor for the yearning of the spirit (atma) to merge back into it's source (para-atma). Here's Atri Kotal singing a ghazal which your kundalini, like a river flowing back into the sea, will recognise...
Heaven Scent - A Meditation on Your Root Support (Mooladhara Chakra).
If you haven't tried meditating with a pleasant waft of fragrance hanging in the air, then you may be getting just the 2-D experience of the meditative state rather than the 3-D variety. Your power of scent is connected to your Mooladhara chakra which gives effortless strength and stability to your personality. What are you waiting for? Get some incense burning and listen to this guided meditation. You could be blown away...
Power Harness - Changing The Course Of Things.
You can't fully appreciate the power your kundalini gives you until you start using it. The easiest way is to experiment with a 'bandhan'. When you want to change the course of something , then symbolically write it on your left palm and then slowly rotate your right hand over it while keeping your attention on your Sahasrara. Detach yourself from the result and see what happens. Here's what the power of a bandhan can do...
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Quote of the Week

"You should fully understand this Shakti (Kundalini); its mode of working. If you start utilising this power, you can do all kinds of work. For doing any work, you can give a bandhan. Only a bandhan. What do you do in a bandhan is that the Shakti that is flowing inside your being, you wind up that Shakti. And if you have any question, or any problem, you can give a bandhan to that. That Shakti will work out the problem."

October 29th 1995, Nargol (India).

" Can wearing clothes worn by other people affect you? I went on a fashion hire website to rent a designer dress and when it arrived and I tried it on, I didn't feel right somehow although it fit perfectly."
In Reply:

Yes they can.  Clothes are quite personal to an individual and it's inevitable that they acquire some of the aura (vibes) of the person who wears them.

So when an item of clothing previously belonging to someone else is worn, no matter how many times it's been dry-cleaned, there could be the feeling of slipping into another person's skin.

With your meditation you also become better tuned into the vibes of things. This guides you in the choices you make. Then you tend to choose whatever is supportive of your vibrational well-being and reject what's not.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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