Monday 12 February 2024

Picking & Choosing. How To Make Right Decisions Every Time.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Picking & Choosing. How To Make Right Decisions Everytime.

Dear Friend,

Picture this:

You've decided to advance your career by looking for another job with more responsibility. There's good demand for your skills and experience and very soon you've landed not one, but two job offers.

You now have to make a decision as to which offer to accept and which one to reject.

When you compare the offers on paper, there's very little to choose between them. They are equally matched on salary, perks and everything else that's important to you.

Pick the right one and you'll be laughing. Pick the wrong one and you could be job-hunting again in 6 months because you couldn't get along with the new VP they brought in shortly after you joined.

What do you do?

According to research cited by CNN ( Decision fatigue drains you of energy.) we make close to 35,000 decisions everyday.

Thankfully, most of these decisions are inconsequential and don't have a lot riding on them. They include things like what to wear today or what to have for breakfast.

And what's the worst that could happen? It's OK, once in a while to leave the house in mis-matching outfits or to have wine and cheese for breakfast. But for bigger things, you don't want to screw up.

These bigger things could include choosing between job offers; deciding which part of town to go house-hunting in or who to have as a partner.

The advantage you have with your daily kundalini meditation is that you develop a sixth sense for what is good for you and what isn't when it comes to making a decision.

The more you use this sixth sense, the better it becomes. Then you're bound to make the right decision every time . More below.

Also below: Being able to say 'No' is a skill worth acquiring. Let Sarah Knight tell you how. Also, learn this trick for beating anxiety with breath control.
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 12th February - Ganesha Jayanti / Chaturthi (Lucky 4th ); Thurs 15th - Saptami (You're supported); Fri. 16th - Durga ashtami (She stoops to conquer); Sat. 17th - Navami (You're protected). 

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
Don't mind the bold title (the author lived in New York City). If you're a pushover for work-mates, family & friends making inconsiderate demands on your time and (meditative) attention, then you can call a halt to it using some of these tried and tested tips in this book. Learn how to let people down gently but firmly. It's worth a read even if only this sample... 
Lake Placid - Stilling Your Breath To Still Your Mind.
Any time you're anxious or have a negative or disheartening thought about anything, then gently hold your breath. The rippling of the mind, like the surface of a lake, calms down and you get complete clarity. This will help you see a way out of a situation or give you a placidity which is like  protective armour. Here's a quick meditation exercise to build that muscle....  
Picking & Choosing - Judge Things On Vibes.
When you're nice and clear in meditation, you can feel the flow of cool vibes on your hands. You can then use your hands to feel the vibes of people, places and things, simply by holding your palms open while having them in your meditative attention. It's like a sixth sense. Interestingly, you can also do the same with any important decisions you have to make. Here's why it's better to judge on vibes...
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Quote of the Week

"All your decision making becomes very easy because if you use your vibratory awareness immediately you know that, “This is the right, this is the wrong”. You can feel it on the vibrations because now you are connected with the absolute, with your Spirit and you know what is to be done, what is not to be done."

May 11th 1981, London (England).

" My dad has been in poor health recently and I'm sure kundalini meditation and a foot-spa would help him. But this not something he would take to. Is there any other way I can help him?"
In Reply:

Yes. Do the foot-spa on his behalf.

While sitting in front of your meditation photo and candle, and with your feet in the water , hold both hands open and see whether you can diagnose his affected chakras remotely, as you have him in your attention.

Use this Finger Physician guide as a reminder of which finger corresponds to which chakra.

Clear each of his chakras that you can feel a 'catch' on by rubbing each of your fingers that you feel a tingling or heat sensation on.

Finish the treatment by giving him a bandhan. Repeat over a number of days until you begin to see an improvement in him. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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