Monday 29 January 2024

Curve Ball. Handling Unexpected Events.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Curve Ball. Handling Unexpected Events.

Dear Friend,

Don't get caught by surprise. And if you do, here's how to recover quickly and make the most of what just happened.

A curve ball in American baseball is when the pitcher puts a spin on the ball so that it doesn't travel in  a straight line as normal but curves; making it difficult to hit. 

Life can be full of curve balls. Part of the element of surprise is that you don't know when or where you're going to get one, so mostly you're unprepared.

But worrying about what might go wrong is no way to live. You'd never leave the house in the morning, otherwise.

So, the insurance against the statistical risk of, for example, your bank account being cleaned out by identity theft scammers, is ..wait for it...your daily kundalini yoga practice.

It's also your 'break-glass-in-an-emergency' when something does indeed go wrong. You do this by just going thoughtless there and then to get the inspiration for what to do to recover the situation.

With your daily visits to your inner oasis of peace, you're loading the dice in your favour in any case so when the unexpected happens, it could be a blessing in disguise. 

The result is that you may end up being able to hit that curve ball straight out of the park for a home run. More below.

Also below: How to keep your chakras clear to maintain your wellness; and, practising being the moment to get better at it and benefit.   
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 29th January - Sankashti Chaturthi (Overcoming Difficulty.)

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Un-wellness of any kind, whether it's physical, mental or emotional, can be traced to the state of your chakras, according to Sahaja yoga. The chakras are made of the elements and it's those same elements you can use to clear your chakras. This is why a regular Foot-spa with cool salt water (earth & water elements) and a candle (fire & light elements) in front of your meditation photo (air and ether elements) is such an effective form of self-care. Here are a few other ways of clearing your chakras.... 
Gone - How To Make The Most Of Now (A Meditation).
So long as the flow of your attention is in a backward direction (thinking about the past) or forward direction (thinking about the future) it reduces your effectiveness at changing things now, because every moment is gone before you can lay a finger on it. Here's a short meditation to help you arrest the natural tendency to backward (left side) and forward (right side) flow to give you at least a 10 second window to shift something with the help of your kundalini...
Curve Ball - Handling Unexpected Events.
Hit a homerun every time even when life throws you a curve ball. The script is already written; all you need to do is just swing. It's like this: your kundalini is like a river flowing back into the ocean of life's possibilities and you can influence the ocean currents when something unexpected happens. The ocean is the 'paramchaitanya' and here's how she works... 
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Quote of the Week

"  It is true that Chaitanya (the 'paramchaitanya' - the self-organising principle of Nature) organizes many things which are most unexpected."

March 21st 1995, New Delhi (India).

" Can the Kundalini cause a high pitched sound in the head?"
In Reply:

The kundalini's movement is silent however can sometimes(very rarely) be felt as a gentle throb where a chakra is constricted or damaged in some way and she's making it better.

Afterwards, there's a better flow of the cool vibes to the top of the head and there's the feeling of a release. This is how your kundalini can cure you of many things.

There exists a misapprehension about the kundalini that there is a pain associated with her awakening or that it can lead to traumatic physical experiences.

Thankfully, this is not the case, as can be attested to by the many tens of thousands of people across the world who have benefitted from her spontaneous germination and motherly nurture.

If you're experiencing a high pitched sound in the head, it may well be tinnitus (What Is Tinnitus - Causes & Treatments) and it would probably be best to check it out with your GP.

Get well soon :o)
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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