Monday 27 November 2023

Plug & Play - Resolving Mental & Emotional Conflict.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Plug & Play - Resolving Mental & Emotional Conflict.

Dear Friend,

What would you do if you discovered that a colleague at work doing the same job as you, and who occasionally leans on you for assistance, is being paid more?

You can't storm into your manager's office with all guns blazing, demanding that the injustice immediately be put right.

The reason is that you'd be at a distinct disadvantage in getting your way.

According to Transactional Analysis in psychology we each carry 3 ego states: Parent, Adult and Child.  So in this scenario it would be your child ego going in there to ask your boss, the parent, for the equivalent of more chocolate.

And what do parents say? "No, sweetheart . Too much chocolate is not good for for you".

You'd have a better chance of success by waiting until your adult ego-state is back in charge and then using reasoned negotiating tactics to appeal to your boss in their adult ego-state where the power-imbalance is removed.

If the nature of your sense of dissatisfaction about anything is such that it can't be externally negotiated to put you in a better place, then go inside yourself.

Within you are all 3 ego-states of parent, adult, and child and  by the simple act of 'plug & play' which is your Kundalini meditation, you can bring them into harmonious unity.

This is how the mental and emotional conflicts that underlie a lot of dissatisfaction is resolved. More below.

Also below: Ideas for a consolation gift to any of your friends who missed out on a free ticket to the event at Porchester Hall; and, attention-training to get to your happy place.   

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 27th Nov. - Purnima /Full moon / Guru Nanak Jayanti; Tues.28th (solar calendar) - William Blake (Shri Bhairava) Birthday.

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
The Self-realisation event at the Porchester Hall (see last week's Newsletter) has been heavily over-subscribed. The hall capacity is 500 but registrations have exceeded 800 (overflow event organised). If you sent the link for a free ticket to a friend who may now have missed out, then consider gifting them one of these books available on Amazon instead. The books look different but share a common 'Sahaja' thread... 
Time Out - Giving Your Attention 5 Minute Breaks From Your Phone.
You are what you pay attention to from moment to moment. So if you want to feel different about things, change what you pay attention to. A good way to start is to take 5 minute breaks from your phone and use that time to pay attention to your spirit (left heart chakra) which is your authentic self. Here's a short meditation to help you begin...
Plug & Play - Resolving Mental & Emotional Conflict.
Daily kundalini meditation gives you a stronger 'wi-fi signal'  connecting you with the self-organising principle of Mother Nature ('paramachaitanya').  This is how it is that mental and emotional conflict can be resolved, even it requires a change in circumstances. Here's how to do the simple breath-work accompanying the meditation...
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Quote of the Week

"So easy to put these emotions just there ( Sahasrara chakra in meditation ) so that they get enlightened and your wish is fulfilled, because emotions are nothing but wishes. These are unfulfilled wishes."

October 29th 1981, London ( England).

"I don't feel any vibes on my hands when I meditate. Is that a bad thing?"
In Reply:

No,it's not a bad thing. It just means that your kundalini is working out something on your chakras - probably, Vishuddhi - before expressing herself on your hands.

The Vishuddhi Chakra (speech) along with the hands (gesture) are linked because they are both involved in how you communicate and express your personality.

A clear Vishuddhi chakra gives you better sensitivity to vibes on your hands.

Here's a quick Self-Care guide to clearing your Vishuddhi chakra, along with other chakras.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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