Monday 20 November 2023

Real Deal. Why A Robot Will Never Love You.


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Real Deal. Why A Robot Will Never Love You.

Dear Friend,

There's a picture here of an elderly person in Japan hugging a soft cuddly toy. The picture might have been cute except for one reason.

The reason being that with drop in the ratio between an increasingly elderly population and care-givers, Japan, for better or worse, is introducing robot-carers to even the balance.

But human contact nurtures in a way that metal or rubber or fake fur can't.

With Artificial Intelligence beginning to demonstrate it's ability in areas of human activity  that were thought to be just too human to automate, such as creating art and music, the only thing we might have left is our ability to love.

Robots may eventually have better brains; but unlike us they have no heart. And it's the heart that will guarantee continued human ascendency.

So when you meditate  and your kundalini opens your Sahasrara chakra (brain) out, allow the vibes to flow down to nourish and grow your heart. More below.

Also below: Invite a friend to get a free ticket to something they'll always be thankful to you for; and, a short meditation for your heart health.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 20th Nov. - Durgashtami (You win); Tues.21st  - Navami (You're protected); Thurs. 23rd - Ekadashi (Creative destruction).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
It's everywhere. When a financial markets journalist begins an economic analysis by crediting his meditation practice for giving him insights, you know it's time to get your friends involved. Spread the love. Send them this Eventbrite link to book a free ticket to Porchester Hall on Sunday 26th November when they'll be introduced to a meditation of the effortless kind... 
Elemental Calm - Looking After Your Heart Health.
The key to overall good health is your cardiovascular health, according to familydoctor . So like a lot of people you may already be trying to eat healthily and take regular exercise. In addition, you have the advantage of the science of internal medicine, which is your Sahaja yoga practice. Around your heart there are 7 auras - of your chakras - which are made up of the 5 elements. Here's a meditation based on elements to help your heart...
Robot Love - The Evolution of Human Consciousness.
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Quote of the Week

" The brain, which does not nourish the heart is absolutely an artificial brain, just like a robot.."

May 4th 1986, Alpe Motta (Italy).

"What can I do about a twitching eyelid?"
In Reply:

According to my go-to-source for medical information, The John Hopkins Medicine website, a twitchy eyelid can be caused by 'dry eyes, stress, fatigue, eye-strain' and usually goes away by itself.

From a Sahaja yoga point of view, it may be caused by a 'catch' on the back Agnya chakra which controls the optic nerves at the back of the head.

The origins of a back Agnya catch are various. I once got a back Agnya catch from spending time in a museum viewing dead specimens and ancient artefacts.

Something slips in through the left channel (subconscious /past).

Mine wasn't accompanied by a twitching eyelid but the back of my head did feel unusually heavy.

To clear a back Agnya catch, you can do a candle-flame Trataka, which has the added bonus of improving your eye-sight, especially if you wear glasses.
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