Monday 13 November 2023

Spirit Over Matter. Overcoming Difficulty With Your 4-D Awareness.


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Spirit Over Matter. Overcoming Difficulty With Your 4-D Awareness.

Dear Friend,

" No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.", Einstein is quoted as saying (

Yet, mostly, this is what we try and do when faced with a problem or difficulty. We try to mentally figure it out.

What are different levels of consciousness, anyway?

According to Yoga, there are 3 levels or 3 dimensions (3-D) of  consciousness that we're familiar with.

These are: Jagata (Awake), Swapna (Dreaming), Susupti (Deep Dreamless Sleep).

 So maybe sleep on a problem. That has been known to work. However, Yoga recognises a fourth level of consciousness (4-D) which it calls Turiya.

Turiya is described as "the true self (atman /spirit) beyond the three common states of consciousness." .

For your information, Turiya is the state of 'thoughtless awareness' you get into when your rising kundalini merges your attention with your spirit (atman) at Sahasrara chakra, at the top of your head.

So spirit over matter. Overcome difficulties in Turiya, your 4-D awareness. More below.

Also below: An Ayurvedic health drink you can make in 3 minutes; and, how to refresh yourself at work without taking a nap.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 13th Nov. - New Moon (New beginnings); Sun. 19th - Saptami ( Lucky 7th . Take a chance).

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In mythology, Shri Lakshmi - the goddess of wealth - is said to have been born from the ocean during the Samudra Mathana when the 'nectar of immortality' (amrut) was produced. The Ayurvedic equivalent is 'Panchamrut' ('5 nectars') consisting of milk, honey, ghee, yogurt & sugar which is recommended for improvement to complexion, reproductive health and immunity. Here's how to make some in 3 minutes...
Do This To Recharge & Refresh When You Need To.
You probably can't put your head on the table and take a nap in full view of your work colleagues, but there's something else you can do to recharge yourself without anybody noticing. It's an open-eyed meditation while still seeming to be busy with your work. It involves reconnecting yourself to the 'mains' (Sahasrara chakra) and getting a replenishment  of vibes on your feeling side (ida nadi) and doing side (pingala nadi). Here's how it's done...
Coming Up For Air - Overcoming Difficulty With Your 4-D Awareness.
Whenever you feel like you're drowning in issues, pause for a moment.  Come up for air by going thoughtless for a minute. This is your superpower - being able to get into Turiya , your 4-D awareness. Things that seem like difficulties, soften and disappear. Going 4-D gets easier because, like learning to ride a bicycle, everybody will be doing it. This is what human evolution is...
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Quote of the Week

"When you go beyond your conditioning and ego [with kundalini rise] you become the 'non-being' (ego-less) then nothing can touch you.
 Who are standing in the water have fear of getting drowned  but if you go to the boat then you start seeing that the water is down below; it is not going to touch you.  That state has to be achieved. It's the non-being, the fourth dimension within [you]. This is called in Sanskrit , 'Turya dasha'."

June 4th 1985, New York City (USA).

"How can I stop thinking? When I'm sitting in meditation mostly what I get are the thoughts of the things I have to do or the problems I need to deal with."
In Reply:

Trying to block out thoughts can be counter-productive because you're having to make an effort.

You could try the mindfulness technique of simply 'watching' the thoughts 'without judgement' and see whether that helps.

This may bring a bit of calm while you're sitting in meditation, but, when you get up, the things to be done and problems to be dealt with still need your attention.

The Sahaj approach to this is to attend to the issues in meditation by meditating on them.

What you do is to have your attention on the issue in Sahasrara until it 'dissolves' into the vibes (Paramachaitanya).

Your kundalini has 'enlightened' your attention so it can 'act' in this way.

This satisfies the urge that something has to be done about the issue. Except that you're transferring the 'doing' to the self-organising principle of Nature - the Paramachaitanya.

Basically, your meditation, though effortless,  should act.

That in itself is motivation to meditate daily because it's a purposeful meditation, that can produce results in the things that you've got going on.
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