Monday 4 December 2023

Do The Work - The Art of Self-Sculpturing.


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Do The Work  - The Art of Self-Sculpturing. 

Dear Friend,

In the history of art there have been several instances where a famous artist is celebrated, but the sometimes greater talent of their muse was unacknowledged.

In painting, Picasso had Dora Maar. In sculpture, Rodin had Camille Claudel.

In the case of Camille Claudel, about whom a 1988 movie, Camille Claudel starring Isabelle Adjani and Gérard Depardieu was made, a lot of her surviving work is deeply autobiographical.

This is particularly true of two of her works: 

"The Mature Age (FrenchL'Âge mûr), also named DestinyThe Path of Life or Fatality (1894–1900)", which is said to be about the breakup of her relationship with Rodin.

And Sakuntala (1888) which has been described by one art critic as Claudel's "desire to reach the sacred, the fruit of the lifelong search of her artistic identity, free from Rodin's constraints."

Unfortunately, that desire was not fulfilled. Circumstances were such that in the last 30 years of her life she was no longer artistically productive.

And the moral of the story is?

Don't let your Sahaja yoga potential go to waste. Stick it to the 'man' (proverbially speaking, of course). Do the work. Become your own 'sculpture'. More below.

Also below: What a bit of paper burning can do for you; and, a meditation to make you more you.
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 4th Dec. - Saptami (Getting stuff done); Wed. 6th - Navami (You're supported); Fri. 8th - Ekadashi (Freedom from...).

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Fire is a powerful element. It can transmute things. This is shown in the phrase: 'rising like a phoenix from the ashes', which taps into the  Universal Unconscious and has a reality. Whenever you feel powerless to change something then 'transmute' it (at least in your own mind) with therapeutic 'paper-burning' (not a newspaper). Here's how to do it in 3 easy steps...
Personal Brand - How To Be For Real (A Meditation).
Most people care what others think about them. Especially if their livelihood depends on it. And especially within an organisation, where your personal brand can make the difference between getting promoted and not getting promoted. But when you come home after a busy day, it's an act of healing to want to take a break from all that role-playing (fakery?).  You can do that with this short meditation on the truest part of yourself, your heart... 
Do The Work - The Art of Self-Sculpturing.
Doing the work ('self-sculpturing' - inner chipping & chiselling to improve the state of your chakras.) rewards you with transformative improvements to your wellbeing.  For that the use of hands and feet are a necessary requirement. In the ancient tradition of the practice of yoga, this is what is called 'Tantra' (technique). Your body /sculpture, consisting of the chakras and kundalini is called 'Yantra' (machinery / mechanism). Here's what you need to know... 
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" Work it through your heart and not through your brain."

January 21st 1983, Vaitarna (India).

"Where can I get the lovely meditation music you play at the group meditation sessions?"
In Reply:

There's a sample collection in my Dropbox folder here.
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