Monday 4 September 2023

Tempting Fate. Why Plans Fail & What To Do.


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Tempting Fate. Why Plans Fail & What To Do.

Dear Friend,

When you've done everything you possibly can to ensure a successful outcome to something, then be sure something is going to go wrong.

Ask a wedding planner.

When the footballer, David Beckham's son, Brooklyn Beckham married American actress Nicola Peltz, the bill came to £2.3 million and they got through 3 different wedding planners.

They are suing the first two wedding planners for the cost of the things that initially went wrong. One of these was the RSVP for Lewis Hamilton showing that he was coming, when he had in fact indicated that he couldn't make it.

Occurrences like this are an occupational hazard in the wedding planning business, along with 'overindulged brides, streakers and handsy grandmas' (Wedding Planners Share The 10 Craziest Thing They've Ever Seen).

You don't need to be a wedding planner to have experienced how fate can sometimes throw a spanner in the works of your best laid plans.

In India, there's a Sanskrit expression for this : ' Sankalpa vikalpa karo ' , which loosely translated means : 'Don't tempt fate by over-planning anything'.

Fate is imagined as the Goddess of Deception ( 'Mahamaya Sakti' ) who is stationed in your Sahasrara chakra.

She orchestrates the tricks your ego and conditionings play on you in order to lift you into a better clarity of awareness. More below.

Also below: A Vedic astrologer explains what the month of September has in store for you; and, Renew yourself by sitting on the Mother Earth with a guided meditation.
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 6th Sept - Saptami (Lucky 7th - Go for it!); Thurs. 7th - Krishna Janmashtami (Cultivate your network ); Fri. 8th - Navami (Be fearless!); Sun. 10th - Ekadashi (Get rid of stuff).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
An astrology fan drew my attention to this video. According to Shreekala, the planetary changes taking place in September are a big deal.  There's indication of further advance towards global enlightenment; economic and political upheaval in the USA, and Venus (the planet of love, beauty and wealth) moving from 'retrograde' (going backwards) to 'direct' (going forwards)...  
Ground Relief - Getting Rid of Inner 'Static' When You Feel Bottled Up.
Take 5 - 10 minutes out and sit on the grass. Not only does 'grounding' yourself in this way strengthen your Mooladhara chakra (joy, wisdom spontaneity & innocence), it also helps you to rid yourself of 'static' - the built-up tensions of a busy life. Mother Earth renews you. Here is a short guided meditation you can listen to as you sit...  
Tempting Fate. Why Plans Fail & What To Do.
In project management the idea of introducing 'slack' into a plan is a familiar one. If someone on the team says they can complete a piece of work in 3 days, then schedule in 5 days so that if there's an over-run the plan is still on track. As in project management so in life - leave some slack or flexibility for Fate to do her thing. With your daily Kundalini meditation here's how you make Fate you friend... 
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Quote of the Week

"This All-pervading Power [which your kundalini connects you to in meditation] is doing all the planning by itself. If you abide by that planning then all your tasks will work out properly and beautifully. If instead you take it upon yourself then you will plan, evaluate alternatives and work out the solutions where there will always be obstacles."

February 23rd 1979, Ahmednagar (India).

"Is there a Sahaja Yoga treatment for backache?"
In Reply:

If the underlying cause of the backache is psychosomatic then your daily practice of the meditation should eventually remedy it.

Along with the meditation you could ease the physical pain with some ayurvedic medicated massage oils. The most popular of these is mahanarayan taila.

As far as care of the body is concerned, Ayurvedic treatments can be complementary to Sahaja yoga because they are both based on the same holistic principles.
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