Monday 11 September 2023

Manual Labour. Getting Results Without Lifting a Finger.


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Manual Labour. Getting Results Without Lifting a Finger.

Dear Friend,

Use your hands. There's  power in them. But not in the way you think.

A beautiful word in Hindi used to describe that special nuance of love that a mother has for her infant off-spring in their beguiling innocence, is, 'Vatsalya'.

There seems to be no single word equivalent in English, but the late, great Sitara Devi, known as the 'Queen of Kathak dance' portrays it here with no need of words.

One of qualities of Vatsalya is benevolent indulgence - the mother wants to give the child everything they ask for.

This is why the vibes you feel with your daily kundalini meditation have been described as Vatsalya. It wants to give you everything you ask for.

The universe is made of love.

So whenever you're worried about something, or something is not working out, then put the vibes into action on your behalf by giving it a 'bandhan'.

The bandhan is that movement of the hands that can get you results without you lifting a finger. More below.

Also below: Making your money go round in a way that makes you feel good; and, lifting your senses and feeling vibes better.  
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed. 13th Sept. - Shivaratri ( take a break from the superficial ; nourish your spirit instead); Thurs. 14th - New Moon (New beginnings).

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There's a famous story told in Arabic tradition about Fatimah's necklace. It was sold, fed a hungry person, clothed another, guided someone lost, freed a slave, and then returned to it's original owner. Kiva, the microfinance website, allows you to do similar. A loan of as little as £5 could help a subsistence farmer in rural Asia; help build a village water well in Africa, then come back to you as repayment. Learn more...
'Hrishikesha' - Ruler of Your Senses (A Meditation Exercise) .
Your taste, sight, scent and hearing, according to Indian iconography, are looked after by 'Hrishikesha' (Vishnu), ruler of the senses.This deity appears as 'Krishna' in your throat (Vishuddhi chakra). Included is your 5th sense  - your touch- which when elevated through your daily Kundalini meditation turns into your sensitivity to vibes. Here are 3 simple exercises for improving your Vishuddhi...
The Bandhan - Getting Results Without Lifting a Finger.
To give a bandhan to something, symbolically write it down on your left palm (hand of desire) - it could be a situation you're facing . Then slowly rotate the right hand (hand of action) over the left palm ('putting desire into action') until you feel the left palm go cool. Then see how the situation pans out. Here's what's going on when you give a bandhan to something...
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Quote of the Week

"Did you check your vibrations? Did you give vibrations to the problem? Use all these tools and see how things work out.
Live by vibrations. Whatever is needed, tell your chakras. Give bandhans. Again, not for the horses in the race!
If you want to ask for something then ask for something that befits [your 'royalty' ].. And when you ask [accordingly] everything will have to sort itself out, won’t it? Isn’t it obvious?"

Dec. 18th 1977,  Mumbai (India).

"I have had one piece of bad news after another one and nothing seems to be working out for me. Is there such a thing as being jinxed (cursed) and what can I do about it?"
In Reply:
I'm familiar with several cultures where the idea of someone having a curse on them is a real one.

At the same time, periods of personal difficulty are evenly spread throughout the population.

If you're feeling that things are not going good then you're unlikely to be alone in that feeling. Someone else does too.

As a remedy, try and establish rapport with your kundalini by using the meditation photo along with candle when you sit.

The effectiveness of this for your situation - whether it's a jinx or you're just going through a hard time - lies in 2 names given to the Kundalini in an ancient text ( 'Shri Lalita Sahasranama' / The 1000 names of the Goddess).

The first of these names is : 'Shri para-mantra vebhedini', meaning 'She who breaks curses'.

The second name is : 'Shri sukha dayini', meaning 'She who gives you happiness'.  
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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