Monday 28 August 2023

Head Load. Why You're Better Off Not Thinking About It.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Head Load. Why You're Better Off Not Thinking About It.

Dear Friend,

My neighbour sometimes leaves early for work. They slam their door shut; they give it a tug to make sure that it's locked and then walk off.

From experience, I know that's not the end of it. As if on cue, a few moments later I hear them walking back and giving the door another tug to make sure it's locked and then walking off.

A few moments later I hear them walking back and giving the door another tug to make sure it's locked and then walking off.

By the second or third attempt, we're good. They then do go off to work. 

If obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is on a spectrum then we all show signs of it to a greater or lesser extent.

How many times today, for example, have you checked your phone?

According to 2023 Cell Phone Usage Stats, Americans check their phones 144 times a day, which is about once every 10 minutes.

It could be a chicken and egg problem (ie. which came first?) but this kind of behaviour is closely related to how much we're all overthinking these days.

Why the load on our heads?  The World Health Organisation says there's been an increase globally in  the rates of anxiety and depression with the pandemic, which are both marked by excessive unwanted thinking.

Whatever the reason, carrying an unnecessary head load does you no good. 

When thinking about it doesn't solve anything, not thinking about it can. This is why your ability to be thoughtlessly aware is good for you (and could be an evolutionary adaptation). More below.

Also below: singing your way to a stronger immune system with Meta; and, exercising the power of your inward gaze to change things.  

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed 30th Aug. - Full Moon / 'Blue' Moon (Emotional rollercoaster). Rare 'Blue' moon occurs when there are two full moons in a single month. The first full moon this month was on 1st Aug.

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I sometimes sing in the shower and I feel better for it. Your voice (Vishuddhi chakra) is such an essential expression of yourself so why not exercise it. Meta Powell is a trained Opera soprano who is also a voice coach. On her website, she explains how singing can strengthen your immune system. There's also benefits to your mental and emotional health. Find yourself by learning to find your voice. Meta can be contacted for a free consultation here...
Effective Gaze - The Power of Your Vishuddhi Chakra.
Something interesting happens on your Vishuddhi chakra with your daily kundalini meditation. A power in you develops, which in Sanskrit is called 'Sakshiswarupatva' . This means the power to change something simply by gazing at it, like the gaze in Vermeer's famous painting. Whenever you have a worry or difficulty of any kind then inwardly gaze at it. Watch without reaction and see what happens. Here's a Vishuddhi chakra meditation to start... 
Head Load - Why You're Better Off Not Thinking About It.
It may be easier for a person to take a basket of fruit off their head than it is for you to unload your head of thoughts, but the reward for you is bigger. When you can become thoughtless in your meditation, even for only a few seconds at a time, then you become a dynamic 'witness' to the things going on around you. Circumstances can change and shift for the better, simply because you're watching them without thinking. Here's how your Vishuddhi chakra is involved in this feat...
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Quote of the Week

"You become thoughtlessly aware [which] means you can remain in the present without thinking. Whenever you want you can think, whenever you don’t want you need not think. As a result of that you become a very peaceful  personality."

February 15th 1992, Prahran (Australia).

"I'm on holiday in New York. In the evenings, when we get back to our hotel room, I meditate. I've noticed that the vibes I get in meditation is quite different to what I feel in London. Why is that?"
In Reply:

In New York you're sitting in the hamsa chakra of the world. In London you're sitting in the left heart chakra.

So the difference you're feeling is the difference in the qualities of those two chakras.

Hamsa is part of the Vishuddhi Chakra (America) so has the qualities of communicating, broadcasting and making decisions (mental).

The left heart chakra is the seat of the spirit so this may make it easier to touch the authenticity within yourself when you meditate.

Pic below shows which countries each chakra corresponds to. You could almost use it as a travel guide for choosing your holidays.

So, for example, if you wanted to strengthen your Mooladhara chakra, you could visit Sydney in Australia. If you wanted to fix stomach (Nabhi) problems you might try drinking the water in Delphi, Greece.
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