Monday 7 August 2023

How Chance Favours You. The Power Behind Luck & 'Coincidences'.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How Chance Favours You. The Power Behind Luck & 'Coincidences'.

Dear Friend,

There used to be a newsagent near where I lived and whenever I went in there, there always seemed to be the same one or two people making themselves busy filling in lottery tickets or scratching away at scratch cards to see if they'd won anything.

I hope there efforts were rewarded and 'Lady Luck' (Goddess Lakshmi )  smiled on them before the newsagent closed down.

In one way or another we're all dancing with luck and uncertainty: Will the bank approve that re-mortgage? Will that job application be successful ? How will that meeting turn out?

Not knowing what's going to happen can be the source of a lot of stress and anxiety in everyday life.

And so, this is the other way your daily Kundalini meditation can help you. You develop a greater sense of detachment about outcomes. You do your best and leave the rest.

What you're leaving the rest to is Chance, 'The Law of Attraction '(?), Providence, The All-Pervading Power, which your kundalini seems to give you a back stage pass into.

So while you may not win the national lottery, you'll always have luck and coincidences (or what may seem to you like coincidences) on your side in many other ways. More below.

Also below: Therapy from writing stuff down; and, clearing your head and seeing the light with a mantra meditation.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 7th Aug. - Saptami (Lucky 7th - Take a chance); Wed. 9th - Navami (You're protected. Be bold!); Fri. 11th - Parama Ekadashi (Creative destruction. Make the most of it.)

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
 You'll already know the benefits of keeping a dream journal while doing the lemon emotional detox, but there's ongoing therapeutic benefits of keeping a journal more generally. This includes being better able to handle problems and worries. Of course, your daily Kundalini meditation is the gold-standard, however, your journal could help you track your experiences and improvement with Kundalini. Here's what you need to know about journaling...  
Into The Light - Clearing Your Head With Mantra.
Your Agnya Chakra ('Third Eye') is all that stands between a busy mind and restful silence. When the Agnya is closed, it's the equivalent of trying to see candle-light through a blindfold. Take the blindfold off using these two single-syllable mantras for clearing the front Agnya ( ego) and back Agnya (conditionings). Here's me saying them first and then you can join in...
How Chance Favours You. The Power Behind Luck & Coincidences.
When you're in 'thoughtless  awareness' you become 'kal-ateet' ('beyond time' ie. the passing of time doesn't register). in that state the laws of cause and effect seem suspended and things can happen that otherwise wouldn't. Welcome to the world of Sahaja 'coincidences', luck and even miracles of which 3 real-life cases are described here...
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Quote of the Week

"Yesterday I talked about it. If any problem you have - if you put it to the divine Power, She solves it. It is not a coincidence but it is a fact. You have to know how to put the question into the machinery of this all-pervading [power]."

April 18th 1980, Paris (France).

"I'm an overthinker and worry a lot about everything. How can I stop?"
In Reply:

Cut down on coffee. Get more sleep. Use an ice-pack for treating an over-active liver.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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