Monday 14 August 2023

Free Upgrade, Anyone? Enabling Your 6th Sense.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Free Upgrade, Anyone? Enabling Your 6th Sense.

Dear Friend,

Free is good. Avoid paying an arm and a leg.

There are two design secrets your phone manufacturer doesn't want you to know about.

The first is called planned obsolescence. It's where your phone is actually designed to slow down and not perform as well after a period of time, so that you're encouraged to pay for an upgrade.

The second, is where said upgrade has some new feature eg. wireless charging,  that is used to justify a large increase in price when the feature was kind of already there potentially on the old phone - it just needed to be enabled.

Mother Nature uses a similar design philosophy but doesn't try and pull the wool over your eyes when doing it.

So, for example, before homo sapiens (that's us) arrived on the planet some 300,000 years ago, there had been 8 other prior versions of hominids before us that got phased out or got made obsolete. 

In addition, the upgrade features of a potential 10th version of hominids is already built into the DNA of homo sapiens ( See: Junk DNAGene expressionEpigenetics).

Does the kundalini enable upgrade features? More than likely (See: Epigenetic effects of meditation).

So now you know. Every time you're sitting in Kundalini meditation you're 'upgrading' yourself . And, unlike upgrading your phone, this is completely free. More below.

Also below: An oasis of peace to go and chill out in when you need to clear your head; and, a work out that can transform things for you.
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 14th August - Shivaratri (Discard the superficial; find your self)  Tue. 15th - New Moon (New Beginnings); Sun 20th - Vinayaka Chaturthi ( Remover of Obstacles).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
 Whenever I want to be in Nature, I go and sit in Kyoto Garden and let the sights and, particularly, the sounds of the place -  the bubbling waterfall and intermittent call of a peacock -  lull me into a state of zen (thoughtless awareness). The Japanese, from whom this Garden was a gift, have the right idea about what takes away stress. Do visit. Here's what Secret London has to say about the Garden...
Working Out For Real Change - A Meditation.
Lifting kettlebells can improve your core strength. But for added dynamism in you interaction with the world, you need to pay attention to not just your physical body but your subtle one as well. The chakras in your subtle body are power packs that can be charged by meditating on them with the aid of mantras. Here then is a meditation 'work-out' to help bring about real change from the inside out...
Enabling Your 6th Sense.
You've got powers. When the kundalini is awakened the first thing a lot of people feel is a sensation of coolness on the palms of the hand and on top of the head. All that's happened is that your nervous system has acquired a new dimension of awareness, similar to being able to see light or hear sounds. The uniqueness of this new awareness is that it allows you to perceive Reality in way that you couldn't do before. Here's what that is...
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Quote of the Week

"Your nervous system should tell you whether something is true or not."

May 12th 1987, Melbourne (Australia).

"I saw someone wearing a pendant of Shri Mataji. Where can I get one?"
In Reply:

As far as I'm aware, the most popular site for ordering Shri Mataji's pendants are at

The pendant you probably saw was this one - For Healing.

It's the photo of Shri Mataji used for meditation in the Sahaja Yoga Clinic (Vashi Hospital) in Mumbai, India, which the Indians say carries the energy of Dhanvantari - physician of the gods (similar to Asclepius in Greek mythology).

It's also the photo that was used in this intriguing (but unscientific) experiment by a certified alternative health care practitioner. The subject of the experiment was someone presenting with various inflammatory problems. 
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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