Monday 21 August 2023

Eat Love. Your Gut Instinct & Food.


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Eat Love. Your Gut Instinct & Food.

Dear Friend,

I haven't met anybody who didn't think that their mum's cooking was the best.

Who else but your mum or nan could put so much love into a meal of jollof rice, plantain and fried chicken - or whatever else you were chowing down in your household?

The food tasted better for it.

What you were really eating was her love and love nourishes in a way that nothing else can.

When your Nabhi chakra is looked after in this way then it blossoms. The result is of satisfaction, peace and contentment and a feeling of being settled and secure.

So your stomach develops in you an instinct for psychological safety which helps you in other ways, not just in your selection of food.

In a stressed out world the feeling of psychological safety is continuously threatened and it could be partly to do with our collective eating habits - eating meals with no love in them.

The next time you eat out or order a Deliveroo meal, take a moment to put vibrations (love) in it before the first mouthful. More below.

Also below: Cool yourself down in hot weather with this drink; and, how to do a 'renovation' on yourself without lifting a finger. 
Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Wed 23rd - Saptami (Luck 7th - push the boat out); Thurs 24th - Durgashtami (goal set today more easily works out); Fri 25th - Navami ( Be bold; you're protected); Sun 27th - Ekadashi (Fruitful).

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Drinking alcohol in hot weather will dehydrate you (not that you drink). When you go and order a drink, ask the bartender for a mango lassi instead. Chances are they won't have it, so learn to make your own. Lassi is a yoghurt-based drink, popular in South Asia for keeping the body cool in sweltering temperatures. In anticipation of the next heatwave coming you way, here's how to make mango lassi in 5 minutes...
Doing Pradesh - Home Renovation With A Difference.
Somebody I know is having their 2-bedroom flat renovated so that they can rent it out. The clear-out of accumulated junk that this has entailed has been therapeutic. You don't have to be doing a home renovation to benefit from the lightness that comes from getting rid of stuff that weighs you down. Here's how to do 'Pradesh' -renovating your chakras - which has a similar effect...
Eat Love. Your Gut Instinct & Food.
You are what you eat. Eat love not unhappiness. The person who prepared your meal may be going through a hard time and unconsciously put their angst into the food that's sent to you - whether it's a restaurant or a take-out. Your stomach will know. Be kind to yourself.  Vibrate your meals by circling the vibes flowing through your hands around the food a few times. It could make the difference between a warm fuzzy feeling and a stomach upset.  More advice here...  
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Quote of the Week

"The stomach is religious. [It] has the common sense that teaches you what is good, what is bad. So, [...] before you eat anything, give it your vibrations."

November 1st 1977, London (England).

"For the last couple of weeks, I've been feeling a very mild ache in the left side of my stomach when I meditate. What might that be?"
In Reply:

Nothing to worry about. It's your kundalini clearing a block in your left Nabhi chakra. It may take a little while but should eventually be OK.

A left Nabhi 'catch' (block) is usually related to some aspect of your domestic life that may be a little bit unsettled at the moment.

It could be to do with: the relationship with a partner; an overly busy work life leading to not much home downtime to properly recharge; or, domestic bills and money worries.

If any of this applies to your situation, then this should provide a bigger incentive to be regular with your meditation. 

Fixing your chakras, fixes the situation. Hard to believe, but try it and see. 

Here's a guide to chakra self-maintenance 101.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

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Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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