Monday 24 July 2023

Your Strange Power of Focus. How To Use It To Your Advantage.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

Your Strange Power of Focus. How To Use It To Your Advantage.

Dear Friend,

Your hidden asset is your attention. The work is to harness it. It can then help you in so many ways.

Two of the initial milestones in my own journey in Sahaja yoga were: 

Firstly, experiencing the inner peace and silence while meditating... in an apartment opposite a construction site with the loud sound of a jack hammer drilling.

Secondly, and to me much more remarkable, was being able to feel my chakras when I had my meditative attention on them; as surely as if I had touched them with my fingers.

But that's not the end of it.

 If your Kundalini is like a river, carrying your attention and flowing back into the sea (the sea being the 'paramachitanya',  the all-pervading, self-organising principle of Nature), then your attention acquires the same quality as the 'paramachaitanya'!

What this means is that not only can your focused attention make your chakras move, but it can also 'touch' the things going on around you.

With that, your mundane, everyday worries start to recede because you begin to experience how with daily kundalini meditation, things begin to automatically work themselves out to your advantage. More below.

Also below: Food tastes better when you've grown it yourself; and, more belly love - increasing your health and wellbeing by channelling vibes in through your navel. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 25th July - Saptami (Lucky 7th. Go for it!), Wed. 26th - Durgashtami (Set your goals. Dreams can come true.), Thurs. 27th - Navami (Bandhan. Wear your cloak of invincibility), Sat. 29th - Padmini Ekadashi (She stoops to conquer). 

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
 By coincidence, we had not one but two people at this weeks group meditation session who have  allotments and grow their own fruit and vegetables. Working with the soil it seems is good for the soul and keeps you connected to reality. The added bonus of your kundalini meditation is you know you're going to get vibrated produce ie. food which is medicinal in quality. Here's the when, how and what to grow advice from the Royal Horticultural Society website...
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Nabhi Chikitsa involves putting a few drops of slightly warmed therapeutic oil into the navel. It's benefits, apparently, include the relief of joint pain and digestive problems as well as enhancing reproductive health and giving you glowing skin. The navel is a 'marma' point, so you'd probably get similar benefit by simply pressing your fingers into the navel and using the flow of vibes from Sahasrara with this meditation...  
Getting What You Want - The Strange Power of Your Focus.
You are what you pay attention to mostly. And if endless scrolling through social media is your thing then do what makes you happy. However, with just a little time invested in yourself daily, you can begin to shift things in a way that actually gets you somewhere. Here's how to train your attention and focus it on the things you want...  
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Quote of the Week

"Once you start growing by meditative attention, your attention becomes enlightened. Now the job is to motivate your attention, to put it to problems [to solve them]. You are the channels of this All-pervading Power which is trying to create a new world for you, new human beings. And this evolution can take place very fast if you all decide that: “whatever we have now within ourselves, we should motivate it, we should direct it and put this attention to some use.” It should not be wasted. Whatever wealth we have, it should not be wasted."

March 3rd 1996, Sydney (Australia).

"Why is it that I feel elevated in the morning after meditation but as the day wears on I'm back to where I started?"
In Reply:

Your car slowly runs out of petrol.

When you sit for meditation in the morning and get into thoughtless awareness, your kundalini opens your 'brahma-randhra' ('hole of the all-pervading energy of life') at the top of your head and 'chaitanya' (vibes) flow into you.

This is like fuelling your car / vehicle (subtle body) and is why you feel energised, revitalised and nourished by your kundalini meditation.

As you go about your busy day, you're thinking continuously about things and your attention is externalised ie. you're paying attention to things outside of yourself.

With all that thinking, the brahma-randhra closes and the replenishing flow of chaitanya is cut off. As the vibes deplete through the outward flow of the attention, everything again seems to reacquire it's mundanity, including how you feel.

The only thing I can suggest, is to do what I do, which is make sure to meditate in the evenings as well to restore yourself.

And also, during the day restrain your outward flowing attention by paying attention to your kundalini from time to time.

Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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