Monday 10 July 2023

Universe Got Your Back - How You're Protected, Guided & Helped.


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Universe Got Your Back - How You're Protected, Guided & Helped.

Dear Friend,

There had been reports of a man acting strangely in a local park. Geeta and her friend, Priyanka, didn't know this when they decided to take a short-cut through the park as it started getting dark.

They were almost through the park and could see the exit when they heard a rustle in a nearby bush and nervously looked to see what it was.

Suddenly, from a crouching position as if hiding, emerged the large, dark silhouette of a man, who began to approach them menacingly. Geeta and Priyanka froze.

They saw his eyes. As the potential peril of the situation began to sink in, they heard a loud shout that came from the direction of the exit.

When they turned to look, it was another large, dark silhouette. But this one was of a woman. And her shout was directed at the man, who, startled, seemingly shrunk, changed direction and disappeared out of view.

As the woman approached, they could make her out as a robust-looking market woman carrying a basket of vegetables on her head and with a large red bindi on her forehead.

She gave them a big grin as she walked past and she too disappeared out of view. 

Five minutes later Geeta and Priyanka reached their destination : Shri Mataji's house in Mumbai. They entered the living -room and saw Shri Mataji sitting relaxed in a chair, waiting for them.

Before they had a chance to say anything, the first thing Shri Mataji said to them with a smile were words to the effect of  : " Now you know why it's not a good idea to go through the park at night."

Geeta and Priyanka stood there surprised; their eyes drawn to the large, red bindi on Shri Mataji's forehead.

This is but one of many stories related to experiences involving Shri Mataji . Some have been documented - see : Miraculous Mother - 9 People's Experiences. 

And then there are other experiences that even people who have only been meditating a short while have, which don't directly involve Shri Mataji. 

These are experiences of being guided, helped and protected similar to D's experience below. This is described in Sanskrit as the 'Parama-chaitanya'. More below.

Also below: Still breath; still mind - learning how to breathe properly; also, 4 steps for improving your mood that you can do anywhere.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 11th July - Navami (Work it out; you can win); Thurs. 13th - Kamika Ekadashi (Fulfilling your wishes); Sat. 15th - Shivaratri (Finding your essence).

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 Is your chest gently rising and falling as you breathe? Then, according to breath experts, you're breathing wrong. Habitual bad breathing is the cause of lethargy, brain fog and chronic tiredness, amongst other things. Learning how to quietly belly (not chest) breathe makes it much easier to get into 'thoughtless awareness' in your meditation. Here's Science journalist , James Nestor on 5 ways to improve your breathing... 
Lift Your Mood & Energy With These 4 Steps.
1. Clear your left channel (emotions).
2. Focus on your Mooladhara chakra to ground yourself .
3. Focus on your Heart chakra for feeling of kindness towards yourself.
4. Focus on your Sahasrara chakra to solve the situation that may be the root cause.
Now here's how you put all that together to make it work....
Universe Watching - How You're Protected, Guided & Helped.
The Universe is benevolent and the first time you get experience of this is when you've established some regularity in your kundalini meditation practice. Then what happens is that problems you may have seemingly solve themselves; you tend to find yourself in the right place at the right time . Everything that's happening seems to be happening to your advantage. Here's what's going on...
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Quote of the Week

"You are protected. You may believe it, or not, but once you feel the Divine Cool Breeze in your hand, then you know you’re protected, this will look after you. But, you have to just feel it. "

June 16th 2000, New York City (United States).

"Does anyone else feel scared of their power? Ever since I've started doing the kundalini meditation regularly so much has happened to me. I've managed to cure my mum; my career has taken off  and every time I have a problem all I have to do is meditate on it and things always work out - usually in unexpected ways. "
In Reply:

Thanks D. for coming to personally share this with me at the group meditation session last week.

I'll expand a little bit on the answer I gave you at the meeting.

When your kundalini rises, she connects you, through your sahasrara chakra, with the 'Parama-chaitanya' which is the all-pervading energy of existence and is like the self-organising principle of Nature.

This kundalini connection is like getting wi-fi on your computer - with it you can surf the Net ('Parama-chaitanya'), without it , you can't.

But there's actually nothing that you're consciously doing, so it's not your power as such . It's this Paramachaitanya that's doing everything. You're just acting like a channel for it to act and work as a result of your daily kundalini meditation.

See: Paramachaitanya - The Power That Loves You.

I should also add that in your case, the results have probably come faster and been more pronounced because you regularly come to the group meditation sessions.

Trees grow faster and stronger in the forest.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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