Monday 3 July 2023

Checking In With Yourself. What Your Body Knows That You Don't.


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Checking In With Yourself. What Your Body Knows That You Don't.

Dear Friend,

Learn to listen to your body talk. You'll feel better for it.

Maureen Gallagher, PhD is a New York-based licensed psychologist who incorporates into her practice the use of SE or  'Somatic Experiencing'.

She is part of a growing trend of therapists, recently reported about in the New York Times Magazine , who have started subscribing to the view that by paying attention to physical sensations in the body ('somatic'), it is possible to get to the root of mental and emotional ailment and heal.

Thank you, Doctor Maureen! This is Sahaja Yoga by another name. Except that Sahaja Yoga has about 50 years head-start.

Every time your Kundalini rises in daily meditation, she points out, via sensations felt on your  fingers, what 'catches' (blocks) you may have on your different chakras.

A 'catch' on a chakra could be the root cause of an ailment - see: Finger Physician - Diagnosing Your Health & Wellbeing On Your Hands

The added bonus of the Sahaja Yoga approach to 'Somatic Experiencing', apart from it being free and not needing a therapist to guide you, is that it's very simple for you to clear a catch and make yourself feel better.

The more regularly you check in with yourself in this way, the better attuned you become with your  body, and much more aware of what helps you and what hinders you. More below.

Also below: Your 'enlightened' attention on the issue of climate change could help. Join the FT Climate Capital Council; and, a meditation: may the force be with you - use the vibes.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 3rd July - Full moon / Guru Purnima (Follow the light of your own spirit); Thurs. 6th - Sankashti Chaturthi (Problems come to you so that you can overcome them. It's the only way to grow.); Sun. 9th - Saptami (Relax on the 7th. It's all taken care of).

Click Here For Online Community Meditation Sessions & Resources + 21-Day Challenge Course
On 26th July 1995, long before climate change was in the public awareness as a looming problem, Shri Mataji was invited to speak at an Ecological conference in Sofia, Bulgaria, and suggested this as a solution . Next week I'm tuning in for an hour to hear this panel of experts speak . Click to register and join me (it's online)...
How To Use Your Vibes - A Guided Meditation.
Practice will make you perfect. Don't let your moments of stillness go to waste. Make use of the vibes to improve how you feel and perhaps help your friends and family. This meditation gently takes you through each of your chakras, from your mooladhara at the base of your spine to your sahasrara at the crown of your head. Followed by the use of your hands to direct tthe vibes . Try it now...
What Your Body Knows That You Don't.
Although we may mentally accept something as good for us. The body may tell a different story and it's only later that we find out that the body was right. If you pay attention to the flow of vibes and the  kundalini you can know straightaway. Here's a short video clip of Shri Mataji at a press conference in Rome raising the kundalini and curing 3 people who didn't know the downside effects that their practices and pursuits was having on them.... 
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Quote of the Week

 "Everybody should [be able to feel vibrations]. But some people think too much and start rationalizing. You have to go beyond it [the mental], that’s the point. If you start rationalizing everything: “How can it be? How can I be so great? How can it happen?” then it doesn’t work out."

May 18th 1985, Press Conference, Rome (Italy).

"Outwardly things seem great and materially I'm OK, but inwardly I feel dissatisfied and don't know what to do about it. Why do I feel this way? "
In Reply:

You could take a look at Maslow's Hierarchy of Human Needs and tick off those ones you've met and circle the one's you haven't. Then use the needs you've circled as a start point to set some new goals.

Sometimes all we need are some new challenges to fire us up. On the career front this might involve getting another job.

The ultimate need, which is right at the top of Maslow's Pyramid, is 'Self-Actualisation'. This is why Sahaja yoga is so relevant, because 'self-actualisation' can be read as 'self-realisation'.

It's been the experience of many people that when they seriously take up the practice of Sahaja yoga meditation all other needs are automatically fulfilled by a trickle down effect.
Click Here For Tues/ Thurs Live Group Guided Meditation & Music (Audio)

Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

Click to Expand and See Key to Understanding What Day is Good For Achieving What.

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