Monday 17 July 2023

Getting Friendly With Lemons. How To Use For Emotional Detox.


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Getting Friendly With Lemons. How To Use For Emotional Detox.

Dear Friend,

According to a psychologist, 7 of the top 12 reasons why couples break up are:While these may be the stated reasons, the underlying reasons may have more to do with the emotional baggage everyone carries with them.

This can affect adult relationships for better or worse (Attachment Theory).

Counselling might resolve some of this, but before you fork out £50 -£80 per hour to go talk to a professional about a difficult childhood upbringing or some traumatic experiences in your more recent past, you should try the old lemon trick.

Yes, the humble lemon. It may be the best friend you ever had. More below.

Also below: a pressure point head massage you'll love; and, a short meditation to get past the stories in your head that are holding you back. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. Mon.17th July - New Moon ( New Beginnings);  Fri. 21st - Vinayaka Chaturthi (Honouring your Inner Child). 

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 The roots of your chakras lie along a line drawn from the top part of the centre of your forehead to the bump at the back of your head. Applying finger pressure along the line stimulates /improves your chakras. It's also the recommended Ayurvedic practice for stimulating hair growth, as demonstrated in this 1 minute video clip...
Now Picture This - A Meditation To Free Yourself From The Stories In Your Head.
When looking at a picture like this the mind has a tendency to project meaning onto it. It's the way the mind works and how we try to make sense of the world. But the stories we tell ourselves are illusory. If you feel trapped or blocked in any area of your life, it could be because of the stories you've told yourself. Here's a meditation to get behind the 'street scene' in your head and free yourself... 
Getting Friendly With Lemons - How To Use For Emotional Detox.
Everything that's ever happened to you, including past emotional experiences, are filed away in your left yogic channel (subconscious). Your left channel is not consciously accessible to you so is the source of a lot of hidden impulses which are not easily resolved . In Sahaja yoga, it's been discovered that you can use a vibrated lemon to help clear your left channel . Here's how you do it...
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Quote of the Week

"You know, you’ll be amazed we use lemons.  And those lemons you can vibrate [by leaving in front of meditation photo].
They [are] such absorbers of vibrations that they keep the vibrations within themselves. And [when you sleep with the lemon under your pillow] the vibrations work on [you] and in one or two days, you can work it out [clear yourself /detox] "

June 15th 1979, Reading (England).

"What's the cause of skin problems? My sister has eczema."
In Reply:

All issues of the skin can be traced to the state of your liver ( Want Beautiful Skin? Take Care of Your Liver).

One of the main functions of the liver is to rid the body of toxins by breaking down harmful substances so that they can be excreted by the normal routes.

When the liver is not functioning optimally, the skin takes the hit.

In Sahaja Yoga, as with TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), two sub-optimal states of the liver are recognised: 1. an over-active liver and 2. a lethargic liver.

An over-active liver is more common, especially due to the societal pressures of modern living, resulting in:  overthinking, excessive coffee drinking, fast food, smoking/vaping, alcohol, late nights, bad sleep etc.

So meditation will definitely help. This can be supported by regular footspa and ice-pack treatment; the the liver diet and drinking vibrated water.

Also, it's worth keeping some Kailash Jeevan multi-purpose Ayurvedic Cream handy in the bathroom medicine cabinet. It can soothe eczema and other skin conditions.
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