Your Strange Power of Focus. How To Use It To Your Advantage. Dear Friend,
Your hidden asset is your attention. The work is to harness it. It can then help you in so many ways.
Two of the initial milestones in my own journey in Sahaja yoga were:
Firstly, experiencing the inner peace and silence while meditating... in an apartment opposite a construction site with the loud sound of a jack hammer drilling.
Secondly, and to me much more remarkable, was being able to feel my chakras when I had my meditative attention on them; as surely as if I had touched them with my fingers.
But that's not the end of it.
If your Kundalini is like a river, carrying your attention and flowing back into the sea (the sea being the 'paramachitanya', the all-pervading, self-organising principle of Nature), then your attention acquires the same quality as the 'paramachaitanya'!
What this means is that not only can your focused attention make your chakras move, but it can also 'touch' the things going on around you.
With that, your mundane, everyday worries start to recede because you begin to experience how with daily kundalini meditation, things begin to automatically work themselves out to your advantage. More below.
Also below: Food tastes better when you've grown it yourself; and, more belly love - increasing your health and wellbeing by channelling vibes in through your navel.
Best wishesP. PS. Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tue. 25th July - Saptami (Lucky 7th. Go for it!), Wed. 26th - Durgashtami (Set your goals. Dreams can come true.), Thurs. 27th - Navami (Bandhan. Wear your cloak of invincibility), Sat. 29th - Padmini Ekadashi (She stoops to conquer). |