Monday 1 May 2023

The Power of Your Attention. How To Solve Problems Just By 'Watching'.


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The Power of Your Attention. How To Solve Problems Just By 'Watching'.

Dear Friend,

I use mine all the time. My attention, that is. Not just for meditation and deciding what to focus on from moment to moment, but as way of navigating big and small challenges when they present themselves.

It could be a design or creativity problem; it could be a resources or logistics problem; a scheduling problem,  or a communications problem. Whatever it is, I've noticed that things resolve themselves better and faster when I just 'watch' rather than rushing to take some action.

Sometimes a situation, in any case, hasn't developed to the point where you can take any meaningful action. Why pluck a fruit when it's not ripe? Just watch. The apple falls by itself.

Timing is important. Things can be as variable as the moon. Just watch.

In the philosophy of Chinese Tao this is Wu-wei  'doing nothing' or 'effortless action' . In Sahaja yoga it's not philosophy but what happens when your kundalini has wedded you to the fabric of everything that is going on.

Try it. More below.

Also below: Nurturing your emotional energy with a 'Thumri' and being your own physician.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 1st May - Mohini Ekadashi. (Overcoming difficulty through playfulness); Fri. 5th  - Purnima (Full Moon - Early to bed).

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After a busy day at work, you could gently slow yourself down by listening to this evocative piece of music by Nina Burmi. In the Indian system of music, the 'raga' (mood) of this piece is 'Bhairavi' which corresponds to your left yogic channel (emotions). The style Nina Burmi is singing in is called 'Thumri', which is love verse set to music.
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Quote of the Week

" after you get your Realization then the satisfaction settles in because you become thoughtlessly aware, because you become a witness. You just watch, you don’t react. ... Your attention becomes enlightened. Wherever you pay attention, it works out. All your problems are solved."

November 9th 1999, Athens (Greece).

"I have heard Sri Mataji talk about 'bhoot' and 'possession'. What should I do if I think this is a problem for me?"
In Reply:

Shri Mataji didn't dwell too much on this topic but if you feel there's any negative energy in your living space, then buy 3 or 4 coconuts; vibrate them by leaving them in front of your meditation photo and then placing them in the corners of the room.

As soon as the coconuts crack or the water in them dries up, dispose of them in an outside dustbin.

You could also try: How To Rid Your Home of Negative Vibes.. with a Lemon, which although by some random guy on YouTube actually does work.

If, on the other hand, you're getting a feeling of negativity within yourself, then do a 'Matka', the same treatment used for doing an emotional life 'detox'  and getting rid of impulsive, self-sabotaging behaviour with roots in the subconscious.
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Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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