Monday 15 May 2023

Power of Your Heart. Why Authenticity Matters.


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Power of Your Heart. Why Authenticity Matters.

Dear Friend,

Your brain can lie to you but your heart can only tell the truth. The only question is which of them gets the upper-hand and why is that important.

"All the world's a stage", said Shakespeare, "and all the men and women merely players (actors)". The truthfulness or authenticity with which an actor inhabits a role makes all the difference to a performance.

As on the stage, so in life. 

Whether it's with your work colleagues or in your everyday social interactions there's a likeability bonus attached to being your authentic self. 

When you let your guard down, others can let their guard down too. Everybody is relaxed. There's success.

The locus of your authentic self, the source of your great relaxation,  is in your heart, according to Sahaja yoga.

When you meditate daily on your heart, everything becomes possible. How much more powerful that makes you. More below.

Also below: If you have a health query that Ayurveda might be able to help with then ask Vaishali; and, if you tend to worry a lot about things, there's a fix for that.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Mon. 15th May - Apara Ekadashi (Overcoming barrier to 'unlimited flow'); Thurs. 18th  - Shivaratri ( Be true to yourself); Fri. 19th - New Moon (New beginnings).

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Sometimes a simple change to diet and life-style, taking into account your particular Ayurvedic body-type or dosha, can do more to relieve you of a health issue  than an over-the-counter medicine. Ayurveda, like Sahaja Yoga, is all about achieving health through restoring the harmonious balance of the body. Find out what your dosha is and then ask Vaishali a question. She has been practicing Sahaja yoga meditation for many years and is also trained in Ayurveda.  
Stop Worrying - Do This Instead!
On average, according to research, we each spend about 1 hour and 50 minutes a day worrying about stuff. The main things people worry about are : money/financial issues, job security, relationships and health. With the advantage of your Sahaja yoga meditation, you can use the following technique to remove your anxiety and quite possibly solve the problem you're worried about...
Power of Your Heart. 9 Things That Happen To You.
An actor in rehearsals knows the power of bringing heart to a role. Similarly,  you can connect better, communicate more effectively and are more likely to be successful in influencing things when your heart chakra is opened out . It is directly linked with your Sahasrara chakra and you'll know your meditation is achieving results when any of these 9 things start happening to you...
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Quote of the Week

" Pay attention to your heart, just pay attention to your heart. You’ll be amazed, it will start melting. Just melt your heart. The thawing starts as soon as you pay attention to it. Tensions will drop out and you will feel the cool breeze."

November 26th 1982, Caxton Hall, London (UK).

"What did Shri Mataji say about reincarnation?"
In Reply:

Shri Mataji used to be  amused by the questions she would get about reincarnation  because they usually took the form:

"Was I the Queen of Sheba in my last life?" or "Was I Napolean in my last life?"

As if knowing that they were just another face in the crowd in the distant past was a huge disappointment. If you never saw it, here's comedian Ricky Gervais on the two Napoleans who turned up at a Reincarnation society meeting. 

Who you were in a previous life is irrelevant, Shri Mataji said. This is because all your previous lives were merely warm-up acts to the main show, which is this life when you've got your kundalini awakening.

That's all reincarnation was ever about : a cycle of trial-and-error until you hit the jackpot of self-realisation. Your kundalini is a 'tape-recorder' of all your previous lives that was just waiting for her awakening to give you your ultimate fulfilment.

But although the seed has germinated, it has to grow into the tree that it is destined to become. And some seeds do go to waste.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


Lunar Calendar - Get Ahead By Getting Your Timing Right.

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