Monday 24 April 2023

How You're Helped. Tales of The Unexpected.


Achieving Your Health, Wealth & Happiness By 10-Minutes Daily Thoughtless Awareness.

How You're Helped. Tales of The Unexpected.

Dear Friend,

One of the remarkable things which seems to consistently happen to people once they're able to establish a regular practice of kundalini meditation, is how they're mysteriously helped in small and big ways in their day-to-day life.

I've lost count of the number of conversations I've had with relative beginners, who've told me how some pressing personal problem got solved; how they got cured of something; or how their life circumstances changed to put them in a better place financially and/or emotionally.

Some of the people immediately recognised the link between what had happened to them and the meditation. Others took a little time to make that connection .

So what's going on? 

Mindfulness meditation can make you feel better but why is it that Kundalini meditation can 'act' or 'move the furniture' in your life as well?

It's to do with how your mind has been conditioned to view the world, your world, and how your kundalini sets you free. More below.

Also below:  Another way to eat bananas and how sitting on the ground can do wonders for you. 

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Thurs. 27th April - Saptami ('Lucky 7th' - Take a Chance); Fri. 28th - Durgashtami (Set an intention); Sat. 29th - Navami (You're protected). 

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Bear with me. I grew up on this stuff and look where it got me - I meditate morning and evening without fail. OK, just to be clear, it's actually plantain and not banana, but when plantains are fully ripe they do look like large bananas. Nutritionally, they're packed with vitamins A, C and B-6 and are a good source of magnesium and potassium. Which helps classify plantains as a superfood apparently. Here's how to fry them...
Heal Yourself By Earthing Yourself (A Meditation).
Did you know that regularly sitting on the ground can improve your sleep, rid you of stress and reduce chronic pain? That's what the science says - Earthing: Health Implications of Reconnecting the Human Body to the Earth's Surface Electrons. But there's more. With your kundalini meditation, your Mooladhara (base) chakra is strengthened  which in turn supports all your other chakras, leading to all-round health. Go sit outside and use this guided meditation...
How You're Helped - Tales of The Unexpected.
When your kundalini rises above your head (beyond the mind)  in meditation, she is taking you into a state of timelessness ('kalateet'). In that state, the past and future do not exist. It's just the eternal present. There is no before and after, so there is no cause and effect. Then things can happen which normally couldn't. That's how you're helped. Here are 3 tales of miracles...
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Quote of the Week

" Meditation should act, should work...If you feel everything is working alright, everything is miraculously showing [the] presence of the Paramchaitanya [self-organising principle of Nature] then you are [connected]."

May 28th 1990,  San Diego  (United States).

"I get stomach cramps and bloating and have been diagnosed with IBS. I've tried various remedies which help a little. But I'd be interested to know what the Sahaja yoga understanding of this condition is?"
In Reply:

Here is an excerpt of a transcript of a  Medical Seminar (18th Oct 2020) hosted by experienced, fully-qualified medical doctors who are Sahaja yogis, and have also researched the therapeutic effects of the regular practice of Sahaja yoga meditation:

(1:48:01) Irritable bowel syndrome: digestive problems relate to the Nabhi chakra. You can strengthen your Nabhi with the help of the Void (abdominal viscera). Use of the mantra for the void (108 names of Shri Adi Guru Dattatreyawhile foot-soaking can clear  irritable bowel syndrome and other stomach problems but has to be done daily for a period of up to 3 months depending on how chronic the condition is.

So from what the Sahaja doctors are saying, IBS is a Nabhi chakra / Void problem. That piece of advice was in response to a specific question asked by a member of an audience of long-term Sahaja yoga meditators.
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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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