Monday 8 May 2023

Finding Your 'Amazing'. Sadhana : The Labour of Love on Yourself.


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Finding Your 'Amazing'. Sadhana : The Labour of Love on Yourself.

Dear Friend,

You're all that. Invest in yourself.

The person who came up with idea for really did spot a gap in the market for online education.

They mashed up the trending interest in self-improvement with the collective fixation on celebrity and turned it into a commodity.

So, if you wanted to learn about photography, why not learn about it from Annie Leibovitz? If you wanted to understand the behind the scenes working of the fashion industry, you could sit in with Anna Wintour. Or, let Serena Williams teach you how it's done if you were an aspiring tennis player.

What these three individuals have done, along with all the other names featured on, is that they have invested the time in themselves ( their talent, interest, knowledge) to produce an outstanding result.

This is what a Labour of Love is. The word for it in Yoga is 'Sadhana' but one which is focused on your personal growth.

Every time you sit down in kundalini meditation you're doing Sadhana. You're an artist creating an amazing work of art, which is yourself.

You just have to be aware of that in order to make it more purposeful. More below.

Also below: What happens when you eat honey everyday; and, nurturing the power of your generosity and compassion.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Tues. 9th May - Sankasthi Chaturthi (Overcoming a difficulty); Thurs. 11th - Saptami (Lucky 7th - "nothing ventured; nothing gained"); Sat. 13th - Navami (You're protected).

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Shri Mataji: " And what I eat the most is honey. That's my food. Honey I eat, you know that. Honey, I drink."
The budget supermarket shelf variety may be mixed with sugar syrup, so probably don't go for that. Manuka honey can be unnecessarily expensive. Whole Foods do a range of reasonably priced raw honey.  Here's what happens when you eat honey everyday...
Tough Sell - Winning With Generosity & Compassion.
Here's a tip for building yourself up for success : work on yourself. The reason why is because out of the many different situations you can find yourself in, you're the common factor. Your Nabhi (stomach) and heart chakras have a big influence on your interactions with others. Your  Nabhi because of it's capacity for generosity and  your heart because of the capacity for compassion. Here's how to strengthen both...
Getting The Results of Your Sadhana - A Labour of Love.
The Universal Force of Creation is reflected within you as your own kundalini. And although She may be awakened, if you ask nothing of Her then She gives very little. She's an aspiring flame and responds to everything in you that aspires. To get results make your meditation more purposeful so that you grow and manifest as described here...
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Quote of the Week

" ...Kundalini awakened? How far have you opened Her out? The most important desire is to grow. And for whose advantage? Is the advantage of yours and in your advantage only the advantage of the whole world rests."

October 23rd 1984, Hampstead, London (UK).

"Apart from Sahaja Yoga are there any other ways a person could get their kundalini awakening?"
In Reply:

As far as Sahaja yoga is concerned the verifiable indications of kundalini awakening is a cool breeze sansation (pneuma) felt flowing out of the fontanel at the crown of the head and on the palms of the hands.

The affect of this is that you can experience without effort a new state of consciousness called thoughtless awareness, and collective consciousness which allows you feel on your hands the state of being of another person.

If none of these indications are present then I wouldn't describe it as genuine kundalini awakening but something else.

I've heard about other kundalini yoga practices but none of which claim to have the verifiable indicators mentioned.

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Living Your Best Life

Mind Rest.

Using Your Powers.

Energy Centres (Chakras)

Transforming The World: One Awakened Kundalini at a Time.


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