Monday 22 May 2023

When What You Say Comes True. The 4 Stages of Speech.


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When What You Say Comes True. The 4 Stages of Speech.

Dear Friend,

The Future is what you make it. 

The Financial Times hosted an online panel discussion yesterday that included the Chairman of the PR & Advertising company- Havas, Mark Whelan, along with the CMOs (Chief Marketing Officers) of three other global organisations.

The topic of discussion was : AI in Marketing - Revolutionary or Dangerous?

After about 50 minutes discussion, the interesting bit came right at the end when each panelist was asked to summarise what they thought would happen as a result of 'Generative AI' like ChatGPT being let loose on the world.

Nobody said they didn't know. They all spoke with confidence about a future which is not quite here yet. But just because they said it doesn't mean that's what's actually going to happen.

Speech and Reality are not the same thing.

They could be, however. And certainly in  your case, as a result of your kundalini awakening, you may find yourself saying something and then being surprised when what you said comes true. More below.

Also below: Sleep is meant heal you. What to do to get the most benefit; and, sometimes the best way to handle a situation is to rise above it.

Best wishes

Moon Calendar (at end) this coming week: Fri. 26th May - Saptami ( Lucky 7th - nothing ventured; nothing gained); Sat. 27th - Durgashtami (beating challenges).

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Most people have some kind of  bedtime ritual, even if it's just brushing your teeth and changing into your PJs. If you want your sleep to be as recuperative as possible, however, do these 3 things : 1. a cool water footspa 2.a foot massage 3. a head massage. As you drop off to sleep hold your attention in Sahasrara chakra to go into yoga nidra ('mystic sleep'). Here's why you dream... 
Rise Above It - How To Get Free Of The Things That Weigh You Down.
What a great sense of relief and relaxation, when you managed to catch your long-haul flight and your plane gathers power and speed and lifts off, rising above everything. Then nothing below matters. Your Kundalini can give you a similar feeling when you want to get free of the things that weigh you down . Use this guided meditation for ascent and see how it feels ...
When What You Say Comes True. The 4 Stages of Speech.
The ancient Greeks called it 'Logos'. In the first line of The Book of Genesis, it's referenced as : "In the beginning was the word." So words are the seeds of creation or the creative act. This faculty exists in human beings too but in a dormant state. When your kundalini is awakened this faculty is awakened, so what you say can come true. Use wisely. Here are the 4 stages your speech travels through starting at mooladhara chakra...
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Quote of the Week

"  A person whose Spirit is enlightened [kundalini-awakened], and 'vani' (speech) is enlightened, such a person, whatever they says comes true. Whatever they ask for happens. Even before they say something, the desire, the desire within us which is the "paravani" (unvocalised speech), which is the coded information of the desire you have, becomes enlightened. And that’s how you get the results[...] That’s how it works out. The whole system works out this way, of Kundalini. "

May 17th 1981, Chelsham Road Ashram, London (UK).

"You mentioned in a previous newsletter that it s possible to 'feel the state' of another person. Could you please explain a bit more."
In Reply:

Yes. As a result of Kundalini awakening your awareness expands in two ways.

Firstly, you can feel the invisible energy of life and existence ('spanda' - vibes) on  your hands. This is called vibrational awareness.

Secondly, this web of the energy of life binds everything together, so the idea of the separation of things is an illusion. We are, in fact , all connected. That means you can feel the chakras of another person just by paying attention to them. This is called collective awareness.
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